Japanese mustard spinach, a representative of vegetable cultivation for beginners
Last time: Japanese mustard spinach planter
cultivation | Observation from sowing to harvest | Record 2
Japanese mustard spinach planter
cultivation | From seeding to harvest | Record 2
Leafy greens for beginners. Ideal for those
who want to be self-sufficient in leafy vegetables and leafy vegetables. I will
post my observations.
Sunday, July 31st
On the 28th day, in terms of height, it is more than 10 cm. According to the detailed website, it was good to harvest from that time, and it's been about 40 days since January, so it seems to be okay, but compared to the Japanese mustard spinach sold at the store, it's still quite thin. I decided to wait a little longer to see it.
Monday 8th August
It's day 36 and it's still growing.
However, according to the above site, it is cautious that the taste will
deteriorate if the length is over 30 cm.
Since the sprouts are still coming out, I
was at a loss as to whether it would be better to wait.
I started getting eaten by bugs.
I didn't find any caterpillars, but once the grasshopper stopped, could that be the culprit?
Friday, August 12th
On the 40th day, the leaves were much larger and there was no significant change in growth.
If you leave it longer than this, the leaves that have grown earlier will wither.
In fact, it may grow and become harder, but
I decided to harvest it because it was written that the harvest time is 40 days
in the explanation column.
I'm stingy, so I left the young shoots and
took only the big leaves around.
(Actually, it seems better to take Japanese mustard spinach from the root in the summer. Please refer to the above site for the reason.)
I was able to get it.
I decided to eat it by boiling and seasoning with soy sauce.
The taste is properly Japanese mustard spinach.
Since it was almost my first time, I had to concentrate a little on observation, but it was easy to grow because I only needed to water it every day. If you have extra planters or space, I think it's a good idea to sow the seeds.
Harvest time was 40 days as described.
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