A fun place to grow cat grass
My cat loves grass.
If you pick up the grass growing outside, it will fly even if you are far away.
And munch on it.
Looking at him like that, it doesn't seem like he's a cat.
I thought it looked like a cow or a horse.
It's hard to bring grass every time, and weed may be unsanitary, so I went to the hardware store to buy some cat grass.
However, the cat grass in the gardening corner has just sprouted.
I thought that it would be no different if I grew it myself, so I bought some seeds.
Sunday 11th September
Start growing from seeds immediately.
I have the impression that the seeds are quite large.
like wheat
I sprinkled it evenly on the soil for growing vegetables as explained.
I had leftover light soil for foliage plants, so I applied a thin layer of it.
I think it was this soil that was sold.
After that, I poured plenty of water on it.
Tuesday, September 13th
Seeds sprouted as early as the second day.
I couldn't wait to show it to my cat, but he turned away just by smelling it.
It's natural because it's soil.
Did I misunderstand it as rice?
"If it grows more, it will become delicious grass, so watch it~"
Wednesday, September 14th
On the third day, once the eyes appear, you will be amazed at how fast they grow.
Thursday, September 15th
Fourth day.
It grows so much that it can be mistaken for morning and evening.
The purpose is cat food and health, but it is also an interesting plant for cultivation.
Friday, September 16th
On the 5th day, did it begin to stretch diagonally toward the sun?
Saturday, September 17th
During the day, I expose it to the sun on the veranda, and when the sun goes down, I put it in the house and put it next to the food.
I'm munching and eating grass.
It's also cute that she doesn't look delicious.
It was the same with the weeds, but he made a face like, "I can't help it, so I'll eat you."
It's like eating it because it's there.
It stretches even if you eat it, so you don't have to worry about it.
It became the same as the sale in less than a week.
206 yen including tax at Kohnan.
About 100 yen cheaper than sprouting.
There are extra seeds, and if you already have a pot and soil, it's definitely a good deal.
After that, it shriveled up and withered in about a week.
It's not like a green onion that keeps growing one after another.
In my case, it takes about a week from sowing and another week until the seeds wither.
My cat couldn't eat the amount as instructed, so from the second time onwards, I have reduced the amount to about a third of that amount.
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