Is Improving Financial Literacy a Sophistry?
Hiroyuki seems to be controversial when he is appointed as a commercial video for the Financial Services Agency.
Much of the criticism has focused on Hiroyuki's neglect of the slanderous slander posted on 2-channel, which led to numerous lawsuits and was ordered to pay in judgments but continued to ignore it. I'm here.
It is no wonder that some people find it contradictory that the FSA appoints a person who fails to pay for damages.
However, more than that, I have a distrust that the Financial Services Agency made Mr. Hiroyuki say the same thing as investment fraud.
Hiroyuki was quoted in the news as saying:
"Hiroyuki developed his own theory about the small investment tax exemption system (NISA), saying, 'There is no other way to continue increasing financial assets with almost no risk.'"
Hiroyuki's FSA video controversial ``accept criticism''-Sankei News (
A risk-free investment.
It's a phrase I've heard somewhere before.
Just this month, a 22-year-old woman committed suicide due to investment fraud.
In her memo, it seems that it was written that "There is no demerit honestly."
Investment fraud seminars say and make you believe that investing is risk-free.
Even if Mr. Hiroyuki's remarks focus on tax matters, if you make him think that there is no risk, he is the same as a fraudster.
I don't know if the Financial Services Agency made Mr. Hiroyuki say that, or if it was Hiroyuki's own idea, but it is true that the Financial Services Agency made it public.
The fact that Mr. Hiroyuki made this remark public made me feel the lack of financial literacy and information literacy of the Financial Services Agency.
Based on this incident, I do not believe that the Financial Services Agency is trying to raise the financial literacy of the Japanese people.
It looks as if they are desperately trying to get their sleeping money to circulate in the market economy by any means.
This is the same as the distorted sense of justice that fraud groups have.
At first glance, the bank transfer fraud group pretends to be a company that looks like an ordinary financial business, and they are doing justice by telling employees that the company's management philosophy is to "turn the elderly's sleeping money".
They convince their employees that they are doing the right thing.
I am concerned that special fraud groups will gain momentum using this FSA video.
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