Is there any basis for that speculation?
Wishma Sandamali, who died without proper treatment by the immigration authorities.
Mizuho Umemura, a member of Nippon Ishin no Kai, has caused controversy by saying that her support group tried to get her provisionally released by urging her to go on a fraudulent illness and hunger strike.
I used Bing's AI chat to organize information on this subject.
Bing: Welcome back! What would you like to chat about?
Me: Regarding Wishma, there are rumors circulating on the internet that a support group advised her that she would be provisionally released if she got sick, but where did that information come from?
Bing: Hello, this is Bing. 😊
It is believed that the rumor that a support group advised Wishma that she would be provisionally released if she became ill was triggered by a statement made in the Diet by Mizuho Umemura, a member of the House of Councilors of the Nippon Ishin no Kai.
However, Wishma's bereaved family and the support group "START" have protested against Umemura, claiming that her remarks are groundless and demanding that she retract and apologize.
They claim that Wishma's illness was caused not by a single word from her supporters, but by inappropriate treatment and medical inadequacies at her immigration facility.
I built this answer from web search results.
Detailed information:
Me: I've seen that rumor before Umemura of the Ishin no Kai spoke in the Diet. That was right after Wishma passed away. Can't Bing go back to that kind of internet source?
Bing: According to the web search results, the rumor that a support group advised Wishma that he would be provisionally released if she got sick was circulating on the Internet in March 2021.
However, the source and basis of the rumor are unknown, and Wishma's bereaved family and the support group "START" denying the rumor as groundless.
They claim that Wishma became ill not because of a single word from her supporters, but because of inappropriate treatment at immigration facilities and inadequate medical care.
I built this answer from web search results.
Me: If so, is there a suspicion that Umemura also swallowed rumors on the Internet whose sources are unknown? It was a thoughtless remark considering the social impact, and it was an action that damaged his credibility as a politician.
Bing: Right. Umemura has not retracted her remarks or apologized, even after receiving protests from Wishma's bereaved family and support groups.
Wishma's death has sparked public debate about human rights issues at immigration facilities and refugee measures.
I built this answer from web search results.
Me: I would like to hear a little more detail, but according to the web search results, the rumor that Bing said, '"If you get sick, you can be provisionally released," was advised by a support group. It seems that it was flowing in.' Do you have a source?
Bing: Yes, I have the source. According to web search results, in March 2021, there was an online claim that Wishma got sick because she aimed for provisional release on the advice of his supporters.''
However, there was no basis or evidence for that claim. Wishma's bereaved family and support group START denying the allegations, claiming that Wishma's illness was caused by inappropriate treatment and medical inadequacy at the immigration facility.
I built this answer from web search results.
Detailed information:
As for why Congresswoman Umemura made such a statement, in my personal opinion, I think that it is because she swallowed the information on the Internet without any basis.
If Congresswoman Umemura arrived at this idea after visiting the parties and conducting hearings, it would still be worth listening to.
However, if it is a statement drafted from one's own thoughts or rumors on the Internet, it only exposes the low level of literacy.
Reading the last NHK article, this is also my guess, but some of the foreigners who were illegally staying and detained by the Immigration Bureau may have actually used malingering.
It seems that some employees and related parties have become skeptical about the small number of cases, and internet users have speculated that "Wishma went on a hunger strike and the support group gave wisdom to her.
If Wishma actually went on a hunger strike, this would be a case that works in favor of the administration's justification, and it wouldn't be strange for the administration to actively argue in court.
But the fact that the Administration does not do so would mean that there would be no such record and no witnesses.
Rather, it is recorded that Wishma was in a state where he could not drink because she vomited even if she tried to drink water.
It is highly suspected that she had an ulcer.
Concerning the suspicion of a hunger strike, if such an appeal had been made immediately after the incident, it would still be imprudent, but it might have received a little more support.
However, the trial is over, and it is normal to feel that there is no credibility in raising the issue that even the parties did not mention a word.
I think that those who come up with such thoughts, and those who feel the possibility of such thoughts, are probably in a state of poor memory and concentration, unable to see the chronological order comprehensively.
In the first place, the problem is that her staff did not take appropriate measures before her death, and the management office will not be held responsible no matter what the cause is for her poor health.
It should be noted that the support group has said that the hunger strike advice is groundless, and it seems clear that there was no basis for Umemura's remarks.
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