CoD DMZ solo | The Route Forward | 7 AQ trucks & Server rack


Game play

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The Route Forward overview

  1. Loot 7 tracking devices from the Al-Sharim Pass dumpster dead drop.
  2. Plant 7 tracking Devices on AQ trucks in Sattiq Cave in one deployment.
  3. Travel to the server rack in the bunker in Sattiq Cave and download the data.

There are three tasks in this mission, 1 and 2 need specific items and must be completed in the same deployment, but 3 can be completed individually.

In my case, I cleared 3 first.

Al-Sharim dead drop location with tracking device

The tracking device is inside the dead drop of Al-Sharim Pass.

CoD DMZソロ|ルート追跡|追跡装置・7台のトラック・サーバーの場所

I think it's better to approach from the south side to avoid enemy contact.

CoD DMZソロ|ルート追跡|追跡装置・7台のトラック・サーバーの場所

A few houses are visible on the sheer cliffs south of Al-Sharim.

Climb the steps and go up the cobbled stairs.

CoD DMZソロ|ルート追跡|追跡装置・7台のトラック・サーバーの場所

There is a place to go up with a ladder from the cobbled stairs near the top.

CoD DMZソロ|ルート追跡|追跡装置・7台のトラック・サーバーの場所

There is a dead drop right in front of you after climbing this ladder.

CoD DMZソロ|ルート追跡|追跡装置・7台のトラック・サーバーの場所

When you open the Dead Drop, you'll find a collection of 7 tracking devices inside.

CoD DMZソロ|ルート追跡|追跡装置・7台のトラック・サーバーの場所

There may be soldiers wearing armor behind the dead drop.

It is recommended to hide in the shadows to avoid being seen, then quickly parachute down to the bottom.

Al Qatala track location in Satique Cave

The exterior of the Al-Qatara truck is black with a yellow Al-Qatara mark painted on it. (Sorry for the messed-up image)

CoD DMZソロ|ルート追跡|追跡装置・7台のトラック・サーバーの場所

In the image below, the red truck icon means that it is on the ground, and the light blue truck icon means that it is in the cave.

Also, if two trucks are adjacent to each other, a [x2] is displayed at the bottom right of the truck icon.

CoD DMZソロ|ルート追跡|追跡装置・7台のトラック・サーバーの場所

Let's actually see the location of the trucks marked on the map above.

Display the track icons on the map in order from the top. (The image below is from a Satique stopover in Warzone Plunder mode)

The truck located near the entrance to a cave near the poppy terraces in western Sattiq.

CoD DMZソロ|ルート追跡|追跡装置・7台のトラック・サーバーの場所

Go into the cave near the poppy field and follow the right side until you find the truck.

CoD DMZソロ|ルート追跡|追跡装置・7台のトラック・サーバーの場所

If you go further than that, there are the two trucks.

It can also be seen from the entrance of a nearby cave in the center of Sattiq, where the Fortress icon appears on the map. (If you go any further, you can go outside, but there are a lot of Al Qatala soldiers, so you might want to turn back.)

CoD DMZソロ|ルート追跡|追跡装置・7台のトラック・サーバーの場所

One is parked between the cliffs south of Satti and the Pipeline.

Since there are no enemies around, it can be installed in the safest way.

CoD DMZソロ|ルート追跡|追跡装置・7台のトラック・サーバーの場所

There is a cave on the bank of a river in the eastern part of Sattiq.

Two trucks are parked in this cave.

CoD DMZソロ|ルート追跡|追跡装置・7台のトラック・サーバーの場所

I used Warzone plunder mode to check the location of the trucks.

Because there are no AI enemies, and I could respawn as many times as I want when killed by operators.

Plunder mode isn't implemented all the time, but if you want to check the location of the trucks in advance, you can drop down to Sattiq in Warzone, or check it when the location is Sattiq in Grand War mode.

Server rack location

The location of the server rack is the point of player1 on the map.

Just north of the wreckage of the crashed Shadow Company plane.

CoD DMZソロ|ルート追跡|追跡装置・7台のトラック・サーバーの場所

It is a building built in the mountains.

As it is called a bunker, it has a unique structure.

CoD DMZソロ|ルート追跡|追跡装置・7台のトラック・サーバーの場所

There is a server when you walk in.

Waiting for the download near here will complete the task.

CoD DMZソロ|ルート追跡|追跡装置・7台のトラック・サーバーの場所


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