Work becomes more enjoyable as sales performance improves
■ Explain the method immediately
Speak while looking at the second hand of
the clock.
Just try it.
If you don't have a wristwatch, you can use a computer or smartphone clock.
In my case, it was prohibited to bring in a smartphone for the purpose of protecting personal information, so I used a computer clock.
There are several types of ways to improve
your speaking style.
It can be roughly divided into speaking smoothly, voice quality, wording, and tempo.
In this article, I'm writing an idea to correct the tempo of speaking.
A person who gets impatient or nervous and
speaks fast.
It may speak fast without even noticing it.
It is a relatively quick correction method that can be used in such cases.
If you are using Windows, open the time and date at the bottom right of your computer screen and you should see the clock and calendar.
Then speak while looking at the seconds.
In a sense, it's a substitute for a metronome.
And the speaking speed should be about 2 seconds with "Good morning."
The proper speaking speed for a normal
business conversation is about 150 words per minute.
This is the same as a speech or presentation.
A person with speaking smoothly like an announcer can be a little faster.
■ Speaking slowly is a silver bullet that
improves you speaking smoothly
One of the reasons for sticking to this
speaking speed is related to articulation.
Poor articulation makes it difficult to hear and makes the other person uncomfortable.
The main reason for the bad articulation is that it is weakened due to the lack of muscle around the mouth.
Long-term training is required to fix this.
But work can't wait for the effects of training every day from tomorrow.
In such a case, try slowing down your speaking speed.
The only way to slow it down is until it doesn't stumble.
I said 150 words per minute, which is a standard speed and a standard for the other person to understand the text.
So, if you want to improve your articulation, don't get caught up in it and slow down until you don't stumble.
And if you don't stumble, that's the right speed for you at the moment.
In most cases, we live in harmony with people
Therefore, the speaking speed is also unconsciously adjusted to them.
But that may not be the true speed at which you speak.
Maybe you are actually a person who speaks more slowly.
Isn't the person who speaks faster than his
own pace and has a bad articulation who can take care of others?
The other person is taking time, the other person is in a hurry, and he may not be interested in this product, and this concern is appearing in the wrong direction.
If you feel sorry for taking the time of the others, please settle your feelings by saying "Thank you" with all your heart at the end.
Even if you are in a hurry, instead of
speeding up your speech, use communication with the other person, saying
"Please wait" or "I'm sorry to have taken your time", and
show your sincerity to survive.
This does not apologize for your slow speaking speed.
You apologize for taking the time to explain to the opponent.
If you are rushed and speak fast, you will
feel stumbled or impatient, which will make the opponentot even more
However, if you feel laid back, this can also be offensive to the opponent.
Let's talk a little bit briskly and do not change the speed.
Keep in mind that keeping that pace is one technique.
■ Keep a span at each punctuation
If you are using a script, you probably
have "," or "." in the text.
At that time, please put a break firmly.
Just doing this will make a big difference in the ease of hearing.
Earlier I focused on speaking speed, but for those who can speak a little faster like an announcer, and those who can speak slowly but flutteringly rather than laid back, this punctuation mark is important.
Even if there are no punctuation marks, it is important to voluntarily put a span.
■ Story until the first place in sales
I was originally the type who was easy to
get nervous when talking.
Even at the job-hunting interview, I was even told, "you are really nervous, but is it okay?"
And when it came time to talk to the customer, I seemed to be impatient, and he said, "Then it sounds like a suspicious phone."
I was a very serious person who read manuals, product specifications, company history, etc. from 40 minutes before the start of work.
However, such efforts were vain, and the sales performance was not good, and in three months I thought that I was not suitable for this job.
However, I was fortunate that the company
was fairly solid, and the company was spending money on human resource
development, so it hired a speaking instructor and gave me thorough guidance on
tongue training and speaking speed.
And as a result of trying to improve my speaking speed, I remembered the lessons I learned when practicing the band.
I had music activities, and I was a keyboard and vocalist, and I was working with another person who was very good at drums.
But when it comes to production, I just run and the tempo shifts.
At that time, the drummer told me, "If you get nervous, it will be faster, so consciously slow down."
And since I have drums that he beat, I decided to listen to the drums thoroughly and feel the tempo.
And this time, I thought that the second hand of the clock of the personal computer in the call center business environment could be used instead of the drum.
Music activities do not always fall into the category of hobbies.
I measured "Good morning" in the morning assembly with a clock.
Full of 2 seconds.
This is the standard.
Then I decided to keep pace all day long.
At first, I was impatient and sometimes
forgot to look at my watch.
However, since I decided once, I tried to talk while looking at the clock so that I could try again.
I also tried to improve speaking smoothly.
I felt that reading the manual, caring attitude, and sincerity were well communicated to the customers.
I thought it was really easy when the
customers accepted me without any doubt, "Yes, that's okay."
Of course, they don't need what they don't need, and they don't buy what they don't need, no matter how well I explain it.
but “Who called me when I was busy?” they said before they were interested in any product! Or “maybe it's a fraudulent phone call”, he said, everyone is ready.
At such times, a confident and stagnation-free way of speaking can help you gain trust.
The sales performance has improved, and I am very confident that my name is called every day in front of everyone.
I'm glad that I couldn't put pressure on my boss and the stress of work was gone.
The boss is also under pressure from the boss...
Six months later, even though I was a newcomer, I was called by my name with the highest sales performance on a daily basis.
At first, I'm glad I did the telephone sales that I thought didn't suit me.
And I'm glad I didn't quit right away.
After that, my work changed and I was blessed with the opportunity to give presentations and speeches, but at that time I was still making use of the technology I had cultivated in telephone sales.
It is difficult to get results in telephone sales depending on the product and customer base, but we hope that your work will be as easy and enjoyable as possible.
Image from pixabay by Logista Hometech
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