Animal rescue video | Human charity and ego


★Bblock ★recommend entertainment reviews

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Match pump as an ecosystem

■Why animals got into trouble

If you want to spend a boring time with inspiring videos, be critical.

I don't recommend it.

However, this time, there was a video that I dared to see from such an angle.

This is a video of humans helping animals.

There are statues that have fallen into holes, cats that cannot get out of the water pipes, and ducks that go back and forth in the manhole.

Humans manage to rescue animals from their predicament, at one time at risk and at another time with ingenuity.

In the comments, people praised them.

Humans are good-loving creatures, animals are good human partners, and when there is a warm bond between humans and animals, tears come out.

If the voice of praise is too loud, people who come in without knowing anything from the middle will flinch or pull.

And I look calmly.

That manhole, that water pipe, that stone wall, that concrete, almost all artifacts.

Animals are in danger due to what humans make, and humans help and praise them.

Animals don't hate, but they don't appreciate them.

I'm just trembling.

Those who helped should be praised.

However, human beings must apologize to the animals.


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