Possibility gained by literature
French writer Jean-Paul Sartre said,
"I know that a writer is an act to speak, and a change to reveal
...". "What is Literature?" Translated by Shuichi Kato,
Kenzaburo Shirai, Takeshi Ebisaka (Jimbun Shoin)
Language is not just human thoughts.
Language is a means of influencing the surroundings and the ability to execute.
There are also proverbs and words that disregard the power of language, such as "easy to say and difficult to do" or " a well-side gossip ".
There will be such an act.
But the same is true for what can be called absolute action.
A child's pure shoulder tapping must heal a parent's body rather than a scammer's big-hearted spell.
Language is human instinct.
No, let's rephrase instinct as an animal that has been translated into Language, so as not to be misleading.
Insects react, reject, and swarm through the sense of touch.
Other animals also breed in a straightforward manner through repeated learning through the senses of sight, hearing, smell, and other sensory organs.
Humans are just born and can't do anything if left alone.
If you can't grow up, you can't save your life.
Other animals certainly have parents and have a period of care.
However, human independence is significantly lower than other animals.
Have humans abandoned their instincts?
No, instead of throwing it away, I bet on words.
Humans have become animals that enable change and progress by focusing on acquired possibilities rather than congenital ones.
It is possible to store energy not by the internal force of instinct but by the externally influenced force of language.
For humans, language is instinct, and the ability to hear language is the tactile and sensory organs found in other animals.
Roland Barthes, he is also a French writer.
He says, "A monumental piece of literature contains all the scholarship." "Semiotics of Literature-College de France Opening Lecture" Translated by Hikaru Hanawa (Misuzu Shobo) 1981
Humans progress by using language well.
That is the power that humans have entrusted to us as humans.
Understanding language can be paraphrased as values.
The antonym of instinct seems to be reason.
However, I think the antonym of instinct is language.
If one misunderstands the language, it will undermine human progress.
It is death in the animal kingdom.
Humans are not special among animals.
Some of the diverse values do not benefit people.
Literature must be responsible for the reflection of humankind.
Reflection is also a work that human beings can do by using language.
No, don't be proud of your reflection.
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