Taking a lecture from a nurse at Matsushima Hospital
■ Am I innocent?
The image for me that the word abortion
makes me feel is "violence".
To put it simply, it is a case with a sense of refusal.
It is scary that the indifference to life
is symbolized by the fact that people who should be called parents want it and
society accepts it, as well as taking the life of the foetation.
However, listening to the number of
abortions carried out each year, their background, and the stories of those who
have had an abortion, I realized that "violence" is also within
I was ignorant of this matter because I
turned away from this world.
It's easy to feel justice by saying that you don't allow irresponsible men and women.
"180,000 abortions per year-what to do with ‘unwanted pregnancies'[in Japan]" "Yahoo! News Special Editorial Department" May 23, 2017 (Tuesday) <https://news.yahoo.co.jp/feature / 613> (2017/11/16)
"Violence can only be seen with the eyes to discover," I heard an expert say in a lecture. "Violence is chained".
I was raised by my parents and have
I have lived thinking that it is normal.
We rarely know their family environment from school friendships.
Even though they may evaluate each other as
a kind mother and a strict mother, they do not seem to be much different from
Speaking of which, I once met a young man who leaked that he didn't know his father at a part-time job.
It seems that his mother also stopped chasing another man when he was in elementary school.
I couldn't find a word for him.
"Don't take it so heavy", he confesses with no expression.
And while teaching a strong self-argument
that he did not want to be tied up with sexual activity, he was always scared
of pregnancy due to unfaithful acts.
I regret once again what advice I should
have given to him, who does not know when he will be the perpetrator.
I think again what kind of words I should have said to him, who was a victim born in such a family environment.
The number of single mothers I know has increased.
I don't talk about domestic violence, but I often hear that I haven't received child support from the other party.
■ Things that cannot be solved by medical
progress alone
"Care to prevent unwanted pregnancies
leads to the prevention of child abuse."
With the advancement of contraceptive
methods, I wondered if this could only be left to the female side for a moment,
but the thoughts of those who are actually working on the problem are
Just relying on the system makes it unclear
that the value of sex and life is a pair.
The problem of DV and stalking is not solved either.
Violence will not disappear from human society even if romantic relationships and marital relationships are ignored.
I learned that communication is important.
This is not just about the two men and women who are the parties concerned.
It belongs to our society that compassions, understands, and helps those in need.
Matsushima Hospital (Obstetrics /
Gynecology / Pediatrics) Homepage
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