Attractiveness of Venus flytrap | Record of growth 1


My diary

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This is the shape and movement of a carnivorous plant

Carnivorous plants that start appearing in the plant corners of home centers in the summer.

I bought a flytrap.

Attractiveness of Venus flytrap | Record of growth 1

The leaves for capturing insects, the shape of the trapping leaves looks like a trap, and it looks like a monster's mouth with dense fangs, so Venus flytrap looks like the carnivorous plant.

I have been very interested in it since I was a child.

I chose the one with a small one.

I feel like I gained a little bit.

Attractiveness of Venus flytrap | Record of growth 1

It came with a bowl and a cup that can be used for soaking water.

Keep it out of direct sunlight and keep it well drained.

How to grow Venus flytrap | What is the predation mechanism and food? How to repot? 🍀GreenSnap

More and more new insect leaves will come out from the center.

Attractiveness of Venus flytrap | Record of growth 1

Looking at it like this, it looks like moss rather than grass.

It's just like a trapping leaf attached to the end of a liverwort.

However, unlike moss, it seems to belong to the Dicotyledonous plant class under the Angiosperm phylum.

What is interesting is that it is followed by "Nepenthes, Sundew family, Venus flytrap".

Famous carnivorous plants are listed.

Venus flytrap - Wikipedia

About half a month after I bought it, something like a bud with a different shape from the insect leaf came out from the center.

Attractiveness of Venus flytrap | Record of growth 1

For a while, I fed Venus flytraps with pests from other plants, but before I knew it, they were catching flies on their own.

There is a feeling that it is not completely digested, but I can see two corpses.

Attractiveness of Venus flytrap | Record of growth 1

This may be true for carnivorous plants in general, but Venus flytraps can grow without trapping insects, and closing their trapping leaves too frequently is not good because it consumes energy.

I'm looking into it and watching it grow.


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