Insane common sense created by newspapers and TV
The media and netizens trapped in convention
House of Councilors election held on July 10, 2022.
Akiko Ikuina, a talent from the Liberal Democratic Party, was elected for the first time in the Tokyo constituency.
It is normal for notable candidates to be interviewed after winning or losing, but Akiko Ikuina broke this convention and turned down all interview offers after winning.
It is now controversial.
Akira Ikegami was refused an interview request on TV Tokyo's election special program, and Akiko Ikuina said that the reason was "because she didn't study enough."
Regarding this, Akiko Ikuina's office demanded an apology and correction as it was groundless.
Akiko Ikuina's election campaign office asks TV Tokyo P & Akira Ikegami to apologize and correct
Akiko Ikuina's side said that she refused to interview her out of concern for her supporters in anticipation that the exact time would be delayed.
Certainly, it was around 11:30 in the middle of the night that NHK announced the accuracy.
It could have been later than that.
I think it's a perfectly reasonable reason.
Nevertheless, the media who were refused coverage and the netizens who were lured by it seem to be heating up with irrelevant criticism.
What I remembered was that Taro Kono said
on twitter that the custom of meeting the minister late at night by ministry
officials was "disappointing".
Kono also criticized the late-night and early-morning press conferences held by his ministers during his inaugural press conference.
Isn't it strange that bureaucrats and ministers who should promote work-style reform allow such overtime work, which is likely to occur in black companies, just because it is customary?
Slow down to a society that demands breaking news
Even in the election, if you wait until the
confirmation, the office staff and supporters will be detained until midnight.
Akiko Ikuina's political beliefs are according to her website
- protect people from cancer
- Toward a society where people with serious illnesses can work with purpose in life
- Create an environment where women can work comfortably
- Creating a society where work and health can be compatible
- Support for economic activities that are not defeated by Corona
Considering this,
- Don't promote ill-health by making people work late into the night while claiming to protect people from cancer.
- Is it okay to make someone with a serious illness work late into the night?
- If a woman who is raising a child is forced to work until late at night, will it affect the family?
- If you want to balance work and health, you should stop working overtime.
- You shouldn't hold a long meeting while saying you're going to prevent corona.
- And doing any one of them late at night is against her political beliefs.
Even if the office staff and her supporters are sent home to interview Akiko Ikuina alone via video call, that person must not violate her political beliefs.
If you wait for the exact time, you will have to wait for the interviewer.
If so, refusing interviews with all stations can be seen as an equal and sincere response.
In the first place, why do you have to be interviewed immediately after totsu?
Accuracy is something that TV stations and others research and announce on their own.
Is there any good reason to go with it?
Even after all the votes are counted, there is no problem.
I feel that the modern trend of rushing everything is stranger.
The coverage of this TV Tokyo Akira Ikegami may also be false.
It's the result of rushing the "result" too quickly.
And it seems that there are many net users who are danced and criticize the wrong way.
We should take things a little more
carefully and step by step.
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