Self-sacrifice and Yamato spirit
In the summer, the chances of seeing wasps increase.
It is necessary to be careful as a wasp's nest may be built in a poorly maintained garden.
Wasps are dangerous to humans when stung, but they are also natural enemies of honey bees that bring benefits to our lives.
In the United States, recently, the breeding of hornets has been seen, and it is said that honey bees in apiaries may be wiped out.
It's a big loss.
The reason hornets attack bees is predation.
It seems that the bee larvae in the beehive are also eaten.
But bees have no way to protect themselves from wasps.
If you find it, it's the last time.
However, even though honeybees are honeybees, Japanese honeybees are different.
The geographic below shows how Japanese honeybees repel hornets.
Honeybees will repel or kill wasps.
Originally, it seems that the heat is generated to protect the nest from the cold of winter, but it seems that it is used as a defense measure when the hornet invades.
The maximum temperature observed in the video was 47.2 degrees.
Wasps, which are vulnerable to heat, are dead with this.
It seems that honeybees can handle temperatures up to 50 degrees Celsius, so they can use this trick.
According to Wikipedia, it is Eastern honeybees, including Japanese honeybees, that use heat-killing bee balls, and Western honeybees do not have that habit.
However, the technique is not without its risks, as the bees that participate in the bee ball have a four-fold shorter lifespan.
Surprisingly, it seems that the older individuals with short lifespans take the initiative to participate.
From a human point of view, it seems that seniors with short lives are using their own lives as shields to prevent young people from dying.
It is also self-sacrifice to participate in this technique and reduce your own lifespan.
There are probably many Japanese people who feel sympathy for Japanese honeybees, who feel the virtue of self-sacrifice, giving up their lives for someone else.
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