Planter Cultivation of Watercress | Observe from sowing to harvest


My diary

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Start cultivating iron-rich watercress!

July 3rd afternoon

I sowed.

Just pick it up with your hands and roll it up.

In particular, I watered without covering the soil.

Planter Cultivation of Watercress|Observe from sowing to harvest

Planter Cultivation of Watercress|Observe from sowing to harvest 

Seeds are very small.

(The photo of the package and seeds was taken on July 18th and inserted later)

July 7

Germination was confirmed 4 days after sowing.

Planter Cultivation of Watercress|Observe from sowing to harvest

Planter Cultivation of Watercress|Observe from sowing to harvest

Unlike Komatsuna, which I started at the same time, I have the impression that it takes a little longer to germinate.

Komatsuna sprouted on the second day, and watercress on the fourth day.

July 9th

Planter Cultivation of Watercress | Observe from sowing to harvest

Two days after the first observation of germination, other seeds gradually sprouted.

July 11th

Planter Cultivation of Watercress|Observe from sowing to harvest

It's been 4 days since germination, but it hasn't grown much.

Although it is such a small bud, it can withstand the dryness of the soil surface of the planter and watering with a watering can.

The impression is that it is a strong vegetable that you don't have to worry about.

July 13th

Planter Cultivation of Watercress|Observe from sowing to harvest

The solids are still not getting bigger, but the number of sprouts is increasing across the board.

July 17th after 4 days

Planter Cultivation of Watercress|Observe from sowing to harvest

Planter Cultivation of Watercress|Observe from sowing to harvest

I didn't see much growth, but the first ones to sprout finally became four-leafed and taller, showing the difference.

I have the impression that the seeds I sowed continue to sprout a lot with a time difference.

From now on, it's time for me to thin out...


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