Explore the roots of your habit
Shit, Chikusho sometimes comes out as a habit.
It's been less than two months since I declared that I would spend three days without saying anything.
Shit! Chikusho! Training to stop the habit of saying 1
I haven't been able to say it for three days without saying it at all, although the frequency of saying it has dropped dramatically.
Sometimes shit, I can't get rid of Chikusho's habit, and I get angry and say "shit!"
However, after spending time consciously not to say the fucking chikusho, I have come to understand when I will say it.
In my case, it was when I remembered an unpleasant event in the past.
I didn't call it a shit, chikusho for the ongoing stress.
And most of them were past mistakes and I was ignorant.
For example, I have given the wrong information to someone.
In many cases, I haven't apologized to him yet.
Also, it seems that even if I remember the black history, it has come out.
At that time, I was on my own.
Fortunately, I didn't say anything to people.
This could possibly be used as a barometer of what I am stressed about.
Next, I will record in detail what I remembered and thought when I said the shit, chikusho.
to be continued···.
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