Caution : Unpleasant words come out | Be careful with the words
English-speaking taboo
When I was a kid, it was rumored in my neighborhood that if I said "Fuck you" in the United States, I should be killed, so I told myself that I should never say it even if I didn't know the meaning in detail.
It is a so-called swearing word.
It was the same with raising the middle finger.
However, when I became an adult and watched Western movies, it seemed that they were using a lot of “fuck”, and when I lived in Australia, the person who said it said, and he also raised his middle finger.
Of course, I didn't do it.
Therefore, the sense of crisis diminished, perhaps not as taboo as I had expected.
However, in relative terms, swearing words
such as “Fuck you” are still the highest level of derogatory words that insult
It seems certain that in English-speaking
cultures such as the United States, there are words that should never be said
that infuriate the other person in one word.
Now, when I think about it, it's hard to come up with words in Japan and in Japanese that insult the other person so much.
Perhaps you have also searched for it.
If you look up the meaning of "Fuck you" in a Japanese dictionary, it says "Kutabatchimae!". It means "You should die"
Meaning, usage, and reading of !!! Fuck You !!! | Weblio English-Japanese Dictionary
It depends on the situation where it is said to be Japanese, but it may not be recognized as bad as taboo.
By the way, in a little more detail, "Fuck you" means sexual intercourse, and I think it has a meaning like "I'll rape you".
"Rape" is also a suitable word for "rape", so it will be a little off, so "fuck you (sexual intercourse)", which is a little more soften, may have sexual harassment.
Meaning, usage and reading of English "Fuck" | Weblio English-Japanese Dictionary
That said, neither the person who says nor the person who receives it understands the meaning of the word so much, so it is appropriate to think of this as a culture that should not be said anymore.
Japanese taboo
Therefore, the taboo word as Japanese that
I thought of is something that means you, such as "omae,"
"kisama," and "temee," and despises the part that has the
other person as the subject.
There are many bad words such as "baka(stupid)", "manuke(fool)", and "usuratonkachi(light hammer)", but none of them are taboo.
Perhaps this slander couldn't have been an
absolute taboo because it was sometimes referred to as charming within the
Japanese culture values hierarchical relationships in a vertical society.
It's a culture that always cares about superiors, seniors and juniors, who is above and who is below, and how close they are.
By changing the subject of the other party, "you", to "temee", you can look down on the other party in an instant.
The person who is told will immediately know that it was looked down on.
The English word "Fuck you" is also a word that you take the initiative to mount on the other party, so the meaning may be a little similar.
Common points and differences between "Fuck you" and "temee"
However, for example, you cannot replace "Fuck you" in Western movies and novels with "temee".
This is because the scenes used are different.
It makes sense if you suddenly translate "Fayu" into "Temee" when you walk around the city and hit your shoulder.
However, in the situation where the person who collided apologized and did not forgive it and said "Fuck you", "temee" alone would not be a conversational sentence. (It's still a terrible conversation (^^;)
In that case, you'll have to add something after the word "temee" to pull down the other person.
However, when translating a conversation with a person who says "Fuck you" in English into Japanese, it may be natural to use "temee".
It's unnatural if the subject of the other party, such as "Fuck you", remains "you".
I wrote a lot, but this is a feeling I got from my actual experience of living in an English-speaking world, so it is quite possible that I am wrong.
Please ask an expert for details.
Also, please be aware that taboo words and
words that look down on the other person can cause trouble in any country.
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