Caution! This article uses a lot of radical expressions, unsightly words, and dirty words.
The opportunity for training
I think my language is pretty polite.
Even if there is a dispute, I will not blame the other person with dirty words.
Instead, I sometimes try to attack with logic, so I think I have to be careful there.
That said, I try not to hurt the dignity of the other person.
So far, I am living a peaceful life so that
I will not fight with my family.
However, I also have a habit that I want to correct.
"Chikusho(That's sucks!)"
I tweet so.
When something goes wrong, it just comes out.
Almost soliloquy.
I won't say it before there are people.
I have hardly been heard by others until now.
I'm sure that I may unknowingly protect my image.
But recently, when I said "Chikusho" in a place that wasn't popular, there was a person behind me.
I wish that person hadn't hear me because
it was quiet.
Because my image may be destroyed.
I hate to think that the person is likely to be behind because the outside is good.
So, I really decided, "I'm going to be a person who doesn't say damn and chikusho."
Find paraphrases
First of all, I tried to find out if there
was an alternative word to the damn and chikusho.
Because I thought it would be easier to switch to a more elegant word to relieve this anger.
I used the Weblio Thesaurus, which is also helpful when writing documents.
Synonyms and paraphrases / synonyms for "ChickSho"-Weblio Synonyms Dictionary
Unconsciousness, damn, tsk, shit, my god,
Son of a bitch, Fuckin, Oh My God,
goddamn it, bullshit, Oh My God, Fuckin Shit
Chikusho, Chikusho man, you hit, Shit man, Shit boy, Konnyaro(bastard), This bastard, Anyaro(bastard), That bastard, Shit into your mouth, What a shit, Oh no, Noooh, Chick Shoooow, what I did, what I did man, shit(kusokurae), shit(kusottare), dumb animal
It will not stop...
I've never used such a word!
This is worse than Chikusho ...
Well, in a sense, because I was talking about this much, my feelings of remorse are strengthened.
I thought it was this dictionary that I'm already playing with, such as "Nooo".
Besides, "Oh no" and "what I did" are a little different.
I'd like to be able to express a little bit of defeat.
I made a mistake, but I want to overcome it, and I want words to have an atmosphere.
I wondered if "unconsciousness" could be used for a while, but I wondered if it was like a Chunibyo(sophomoric).
I think I am a sophomoric that I think is cool.
Then, it is a training that will be
completely silent next.
Be careful not to use dirty words for 3
to be continued···.
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