Eternium Strategy | Resolving the Drakenmoor Citadel bug


Game play

t f B! P L

Don't give up as there is nothing you can't get out of

A bug that triggers unexpectedly

I showed you how to defeat the bosses with almost no damage with a bug in the fort of Drakenmoor.

However, if you are not good at the parts where the bosses are slammed, there will be a bug that you will also get stuck.

If you click on a house inside a curved path, you may get out of its orbit and enter the house.

It's hard to move and it's hard to escape because it gets into the gaps of the houses.

I made a video of the bug occurring:

It's the end of the stage, so it's hard to come here and reset.

But don't give up as you can always get out.

Click in the middle of the screen if a bug occurs

The bug occurs on the left side of the house, but to get out of here, first move to the right.

Aim to get out from the top in the middle of the curved houses.

As I will show in the video later, there is a place where the hero can be seen through the gap between the houses when he comes to the center.

Eternium Strategy | What to do if you get stuck in a bug in the fort of Drakenmore

After moving the hero to this point, place the pointer slightly above the center of the screen.

If the hero is in the middle of the screen, it is a little to the right of the hero as a guide.

If you click on it a few times, the protagonist will move to the screen with a slur, and you can return from the buggy place to the legitimate place.

Eternium Strategy | What to do if you are addicted to a bug in the fort of Drakenmore 2

This is a video of getting out of a bug.

Eternium Strategy | How to deal with bugsin Drakenmooor citadel

Please refer to the position of the main character and the position of the pointer.

However, at first I also clicked on various places to get out, so if you cannot get out by my explanation, you can get out somewhere by clicking randomly, so please do not give up.


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