The most delicious instant noodles ever | ZUBAAAN! | Nutritional value



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The royal road soy sauce ramen that can be eaten at home

Instant noodles I ate recently.

I thought, "Maybe it's the most delicious I've ever had!"

Its name is "ZUBAAAN!"


The most delicious instant noodles ever | ZUBAAAN! | Nutritional value

It is a product sold by Toyo Suisan Kaisha Co., Ltd., which is known for Maruchan.

Maru-chan ZUBAAAN! (Zuburn) | Toyo SuisanKaisha, Ltd.

It seems that Ryoko Yonekura has been appointed as a commercial.

The feature is that it contains back oil.

The most delicious instant noodles ever | ZUBAAAN! | Nutritional value

When you open the bag, you will see both powder and liquid soup.

The noodles are similar to other Maruchan noodles.

The most delicious instant noodles ever | ZUBAAAN! | Nutritional value

Nutrition facts label

125g per meal

Energy: 424Kcal

Noodles 319kcal

Soup 105kcal

Protein: 15.1g

Lipid: 11.1g

Carbohydrate 66.0g

Salt equivalent: 7.2g

Noodles 1.9g

Soup 5.3g

Calcium: 175 mg


Open the soup in a bowl while boiling the noodles.

The most delicious instant noodles ever | ZUBAAAN! | Nutritional value

It contains flour, soup, and a lump of back oil.

When you pour hot water, it looks like this.

The most delicious instant noodles ever | ZUBAAAN! | Nutritional value

Add the boiled noodles and entangle with the soup to finish.

The most delicious instant noodles ever | ZUBAAAN! | Nutritional value

I put chopped green onions.

The most delicious instant noodles ever | ZUBAAAN! | Nutritional value


As anyone who ate Maruchan noodles knows, the soup has a slight thickening.

The taste is normal soy sauce ramen with no habit, so you can eat it neatly.

However, the pieces of back oil floating in places have the effect of making you want to sip the soup, so you won't get bored.

Instant noodle soup tends to have a flat taste.

I think it can't be helped because the cost is not lacking in both the ingredients and the dashi stock.

However, if you try to make an impact with a different kind, it will no longer be ordinary soy sauce ramen.

For example, I often buy spicy ramen.

But it's not just because it's delicious, but it also has a challenging meaning to me as to how spicy it can be eaten.

I'm not trying to buy it with pure taste.

Probably the aim of the seller is also so.

I think that we are formulating a strategy for the spicy party in order to develop a new purchasing motivation and a new customer base in this age when we cannot compete with taste alone.

However, this soy sauce ramen ZUBAAAN! has been competing for its taste.

And the taste reminds us of uncertainty that is difficult to judge with just a sip.

The color scheme that visually reminds us of the flavor is mottled.

The amount of oil in your mouth, like the throbbing and crushing of meeting or not meeting.

It's like an exquisite balance of expectations and pretensions.

I think that the richness of the back oil and the fulfillment that is sometimes brought to the mouth will keep you entertained until you finish eating.

That is the charm of this ramen.

It is a dish that you can eat deliciously until the end while instantly eating the royal road soy sauce ramen.


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