Conspiracy theory sometimes seen on SNS
Ukraine does not need Russian intervention
Justice of assaults and looting by Ukrainian troops and civilians as if "Ukraine is so barbaric that Russia is justice" or "Russian troops have come to correct Ukrainian human rights infringement" Is a story that doesn't make sense.
Originally, there is a fact that an army called Azov had a skirmish near the border with Russia.
And it was not originally a Ukrainian regular army.
The vigilants have taken credit and have been instructed by the Ukrainian government to this day.
Therefore, pro-Russian and Russian advocates use it as an excuse to blame the idea of the vigilants as neo-Nazis.
The fact that the Azov Regiment is violent or that the Ukrainian army has harmed civilians is not a reason to defend Russia.
Because their existence would not have been possible without Russia's invasion.
Also, if Russia did not invade, the security would not have deteriorated so much.
For example, after the Great East Japan Earthquake, sexual violence and burglary damage at evacuation centers increased.
The turmoil of the earthquake caused the government to lose sight of the government, and the houses and places to protect themselves were lost.
There were rumors that the damage was caused by foreigners, but it is an exaggerated expression that Japanese people are also committing.
However, aside from that discussion here, it should be recognized that violence and criminal acts can occur in the country alone in the event of an emergency.
Let's get back to Ukraine.
His home is destroyed, he is forced to live in a shelter, he is in need of eating and drinking, and he is in danger of his life every day.
The current situation is that such a life has continued for a long time.
Even if there is an increase in criminal activity in Ukraine, and even if it is by Ukrainians, it is not possible to blame Ukraine for crime compared to Russia and the Russian army.
Of course, Ukrainian crimes committed in Ukraine should be tried by Ukrainian law.
But it must be remembered that it is no reason to defend Russia.
After the violent boy grows up, he begins to use violence at home.
Women who have been sexually injured in their private lives lose their self-esteem and become involved in the sex industry.
The looting of someone promotes a sense of inequality and leads to looting each other.
Destroying someone else's home, ruining life, and saying "Hey, this guy is violent" and "This guy was originally a criminal guy" is like taking the lead in bullying. It's the same as an insidious and unhappy human being.
If Russia did not invade, and if it did not disturb security, they would live in their order.
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