Eternium Strategy | Drakenmoor citadel boss easy defeat | Stage 53


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bug? Easy defeat using

Almost no damage from many enemies

Stage 53 Drakenmoor citadel.

Some people may struggle with the boss's surroundings.

Eternium capture | Drakenmoor citadel boss easy defeat | Stage 53

But if you use something like a small bug, you can easily defeat them with almost no damage.

Those who struggle with the enemies here may discover this tactic on their own, but I will write it for the time being.

I think it's worth remembering that you will come back many times in later quests with missions to defeat the boss here.

The only way to do this is to go back for a while when the enemy is chasing you.

I tried to make a video of that situation.

YouTube | Eternium Strategy | Drakenmoor citadel Boss Easy Defeat | Stage 53

Be careful not to get hooked on bugs

To explain in detail, first of all, when the enemy finds you, you will return to the way you came.

Eternium capture Drakenmoor citadel boss easy defeat | just return

When you come to the back of the place where the enemy was, turn back.

Eternium capture | Drakenmoor citadel boss easy defeat | Use bugs

Eternium capture | Drakenmoor citadel boss easy defeat | tricks

Then the enemy has entered the fence of the house and cannot come out.

Even if they try to attack you from there, they will not hit you.

Your attack hit them.

Eternium capture | Drakenmoor citadel boss easy defeat | Winning method

Now you can easily defeat the boss.

I couldn't bring all the enemies in one go, so I feel like you can go to defeat them in two steps.

Also, it's important to note that you can also get hooked on where the enemy was, so don't carelessly click on that area.


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