Ukraine is the invaded side
Differences in position between Ukraine and Japan
Recently, it seems that the damage was
minimized if Ukraine surrendered on SNS.
Some will argue whether it is good or bad at another time, using the surrender of Ukraine as an example of the surrender of Japan in World War II.
"If Japan surrendered early, it would have been possible to avoid the damage caused by the Battle of Okinawa and the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
So, Ukraine should have surrendered early. "
It's like that.
Since the situation of war is different from time to time, I think it is necessary to have some reason to refer to it, but I think it is impossible to talk about the surrender of Ukraine and the surrender of Japan in the same line.
The biggest difference is who started the war.
Ukraine is the invaded side.
That is, it was Russia that started the war.
In World War II, the Japanese side attacked the United States.
Although there are differences in national power, Ukraine and the United States on the invaded side are in terms of position.
The composition is Japan and Russia on the invading side.
Of course, there are complicated circumstances in the process that led to the start of the war in Japan, so I will not go any further.
What I want to say here is that the surrender of Ukraine and the retaliation of Japan cannot be equated because of the decisive difference in position.
Since Japan is in a state of war, the United States cannot stop the attack until Japan surrenders.
Rather, if Japan stops attacking, there is no need to fight any further.
Therefore, if the situation in Ukraine is applied, it should be said that if the United States surrendered immediately at the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor, American soldiers would not die in fierce battles such as Okinawa and Iwo Jima.
And if the United States had surrendered, Japan would have landed on the continental United States, not just the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Next, from the Ukrainian point of view, Ukraine has no reason to fight any further if Russia stops attacking.
However, if the Ukrainian side surrenders and ceases resistance, Russia will invade until it occupies Ukraine.
The surrender of Japan in World War II and the surrender of Ukraine due to the invasion of Russia cannot be equated.
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