Eternium Strategy | Scartree Forest Clear | Stage 49


Game play

t f B! P L

Familiar step attack

Effective against physical attack enemies

I came to stage 49.

As the poison javelin defeats the troublesome Minotaurs and rushes forward, you will meet the boss guard captain of this stage.

When you defeat the troublesome Minotaurs with the poison javelin and push forward, you will meet the boss guard captain of this stage.

He is also a physical attacker.

That's why I defeat it with that technique.

Eternium Strategy Scar Tree Forest | Stage 49

This is an attack method that uses the steps introduced earlier in Gorlak.

A little back from where the guard captain is waiting, there is a small hill.

If the captain notices you and heads for you, you can go up to the top of the hill ahead of time and attack at the edge of the pool, and the captain will ignore the gap and try to attack you.

But that attack doesn't hit, so you can easily win.

If you can't win and can't proceed, try using it.


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