Barley tea wasn't gluten-free | That's true!


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Barley tea gluten is hidden

Health hazards from gluten

Recently, I have decided to refrain from gluten at home because it causes fatigue.

I've heard that some people have allergies, but they also seem to cause headaches, abdominal pain, diabetes, and liver disease.

The following article details a serious condition called Leaky Gut.

What is gluten? An easy-to-understandexplanation of the properties and effects on the body – Gluten-free sweetsCOMERU

However, gluten is a protein, an energy source, and a source of deliciousness.

I feel a little lonely if I say absolutely no.

Barley tea contains a small amount of gluten

As for the main subject, it seems that barley tea contains a small amount of gluten.

Please take a look at the site below.

Gluten has never been written on the nutrition label of the barley tea I bought.

It has 0 calories and 0 grams of protein.

Gluten is said to be harmful enough to create a gluten-free framework, and I have allergies, so I don't have to write it?

I was wondering.

I see, that's what it is.

The translation was written here. ↓

Is it okay to drink barley tea? │ GlutenFree Guide (

If it is 0.5 grams or less, it may be 0 grams.

Certainly, I was convinced that if all the trace components were displayed, there would be no sharp edges.

The raw material for barley tea is barley, and even if you say barley, there must be protein.

When I wonder where I went, it's like that.

Barley tea is neither gluten-free nor exempt from allergies, but it is up to each person to cause health problems.

Is barley tea gluten-free? Can I drink if I am allergic to wheat? I will explain in detail | Komorebi (

It was written, so I think I should drink it. 


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