Corona is a personal judgment that "just a cold"
Does it follow the definition of a cold?
Corona is just a cold, and this perception often comes from a slight misunderstanding.
When we say "corona", there are
two ways to mean it.
That is the new coronavirus and the new coronavirus infection.
These two need to be considered separately.
The new coronavirus is a virus, and it can be said that it causes a cold, but a cold is a mistake in a strict sense.
Coronavirus infection is a symptom of being infected with coronavirus.
By the way, cold is not a name that refers to a virus.
A cold is a symptom of a virus infection, that is, a cough or fever.
This shows that the new coronavirus cannot be called a cold.
On the other hand, the new coronavirus infection can be called a cold.
It is limited when using "just" and "cold" together.
Next is whether or not it is a "just a
If it is mild, it is just a cold, and if it
is severe, it is a serious cold, and the degree varies from person to person.
Therefore, it is wrong to uniformly call the new coronavirus infection "just a cold".
As explained at the beginning, even with a new coronavirus infection, there is still the possibility that it can be called a "just a cold" if it is contained by a low-grade fever, cough, or runny nose.
Recognition that is incompatible with social conventions
However, the next thing to consider is the
unknown territory where social conventions and medical treatment cannot be
In other words, no matter how mild it may be, as long as the new coronavirus is socially special, it cannot be called a "just a cold."
The company must take a rest and is isolated by medical treatment.
Also, if it is transmitted to others, it may be recognized as an outbreak, so it is not just a cold.
However, I think there are some people who argue against this social convention depending on their values.
Defense consciousness against the unknown
Regarding an unknown area where medical
treatment cannot be elucidated, it has been two years since the new coronavirus
was confirmed, so various data have been collected and elucidated from the
However, I think that those who have been saying "just a cold" about half a year after the epidemic need a little more thought and discretion about infectious diseases.
I've already explained at the beginning that coronavirus and coronavirus infections can't be called "just a cold," but even if you take 100 steps and turn your eyes to the misunderstanding, what's still unclear.
The feeling of being able to assert with full confidence is strange.
Is it a psychic person or a seeer?
Either way, it's a modern, unscientific way of thinking.
Although research on the new coronavirus is progressing, there are still concerns about sequelae and mutant strains.
Last but not least, "just a cold" is a kind of slang, and of course doctors who see the symptoms sometimes say so.
But basically, keep in mind that it's just a word when a pre-work dad sneezes and his beloved wife asks, "Is it okay?" I want you to keep it.
Don't you ever do anything like you say as a stance of scientific or medical proof.
Currently, it is said that there are more than 200 types of viruses that cause the symptoms of colds.
What makes the colds caused by them "just a cold" is the immunity accumulated in human beings, the development of medicine, and the awareness of hygiene.
Many sacrifices and many studies have made it possible.
Dismissing the new virus as "just a cold" is a careless act that ignores these accumulations.
The value of a person who is just a cold
Those who hear that "Corona is just a
cold" certainly have a cognitive mistake.
However, it is unavoidable that any human being will have a difference in knowledge depending on the timing and environment in which the information is obtained.
The important thing is to scrutinize the information and change the recognition even if it takes time, but this also differs depending on the life history, so do not blame it.
In addition, the motivation of those who claim that "Corona is just a cold" is related to the intention not to cancel their favorite event, the idea that the stagnation of economic activity will have an adverse effect, and the policy of the organization to which they belong. In some cases, the claim has no theory at all.
Sometimes the distrust of the government cannot be dispelled by the repeated corruption cases of politicians.
Although it cannot be categorized unconditionally, it may cause confusion in such an emergency, but it may be helpful as a trigger to take action with a short thought in peacetime.
Depending on the situation and environment, we can turn our strengths into weaknesses, and conversely, our weaknesses into strengths.
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