Another story of Aesop's fairy tale "The Ants and the Grasshopper"
-I did my best because you were there-
Ants are hard workers.
They rush around from morning till night.
They collect food, they take it back to the underground castle, stores enough and goes through the winter.
Grasshoppers are said to be hobbyists.
They play music in the fall with ants in their back and sing only the love that comes to their mind.
And in winter, it become corpses and become fertilizers on the ground.
"But the Grasshopper knew.
He has only music.
The Grasshopper knew.
The ephemeral nature of his life.
"The huge wealth and a handful of food are all decaying equally.
Sing love, do your best, until you die.
I've heard that when he came out of the ground, that is the soul which the Grasshopper was taught by the Supine Cicada."
The one who told me that was the Grasshopper's grandson.
He is now writing a research paper on "Ants' harsh labor problems" for two generations.
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