Google AdSense passed in review was unexpected
■Background of passing in review
We would like to introduce the process of passing the Google AdSense review.
In my case, it passed in about 3 weeks with one rejection.
I started Blogger and applied immediately for article 0, then I copied and pasted articles from my Ameba blog every day and posted them to Blogger.
Sixteen days later, I received a notice of refusal in the evening when the article reached 17 posts.
The content is "Unfortunately as a result of the review ...".
Follow the instructions in the email to go to the Google AdSense site.
I tried to fix the problematic part.
Since the amount of information was small just by pointing out emails and sites, I watched all the YouTube videos provided by Google AdSense that summarize the items necessary for passing in review just in case.
By the way, in one blog, Google left the review to AI and bot and did not perform human scrutiny, but Google itself professes that it is judging by both AI and human.
Certainly, if you leave it to AI alone, it will not take much time.
Six short videos created by Google AdSense.
In my case, the posted article was a copy and paste of an old article posted on Ameba Blog, and I used a lot of URLs for references and citations, so I think the main cause was the broken link.
Many of the famous online articles such as Yahoo News had broken links.
This was something I knew from reading the instructions from Google that it was probably this.
So, I deleted all those links.
Then immediately reapply.
Five days later, in the afternoon, I received an email notifying me that I was ready to serve his AdSense ads on your site.
On other people's blogs, it was said that Google AdSense's point was difficult to understand at about, so I was prepared for a long battle to repeat application and rejection, but fortunately this Passed.
■Summary of what I did and what I didn't do
I would like to briefly summarize what I did and what I did not do when passing in the review.
Items in red marked with a star are those that were done after failing the review and before reapplying.
What i did
- Apply immediately, reapply
- Post daily (1000 characters or more, 1500 characters on average)
- Index posted permalinks on Google Search Console (for Google)
- Also indexed with WebMaster Tools (for Bing)
- Use of copyright-free images
- Genre classification by label
- ★ Watch Google AdSense videos
- ★ Place a main headline at the beginning of each blog article and set a headline for each paragraph
- ★ Sufficient search explanations for each blog article
- ★ Fill in the explanation of the basic items of the blog setting
- ★ Enable the search description of the meta tag item in the blog settings and fill in the description
- ★ Install automatic advertisements on all blog articles
- ★ Remove broken URLs from all blog posts
What I didn't do
- Delete the original article of my Ameba Blog
- Site map creation
- Quotation method that causes copyright infringement
- Use of images / videos that infringe copyright
- Posting slanderous / critical articles
- Posting articles that are against morals
- Extreme titles and fishing articles
- Posting articles like diary style, poetry, tweets
- Use of complex HTML
- 0 articles at the time of initial application, 17 articles at the time of notification of non-acceptance of review, 22 articles at the time of notification of passing in review
- I don't know if it will affect it, but I also registered Ameba Blog, which has the original article, in the Google Search Console.
- I don't know if it will affect the title or content of the article, but the fact that my blog post is mediocre or the title doesn't look good is simply a matter of lack of study and talent, which is sophisticated. I don't think there is a shortage.
- It seems necessary to separate each article with a main headline and a headline so that it is easy to read, as far as the instructions from Google are concerned.
- I created labels by genre, but the themes are not loosely unified throughout the blog.
- Auto Ads copied the AdSense code in HTML from Google AdSense Help | where to put his AdSense code in HTML and pasted it.
- I didn't create a sitemap because I didn't understand how to do it at the time.
- Regarding critical blogs [Mentalist DaiGo] What he really wanted to say | Homeless and flaming seemed to be the case, but it didn't seem to be a factor in rejection. (The content of this blog contains criticisms of DaiGo's disdain for the homeless, but does not use insulting language. It quotes DaiGo's discriminatory remarks, which hinders the review. It seems that it never happened)
■Google AdSense is positive to pass in the review
As you can see from the Google AdSense emails and videos, Google seems to be supportive of your monetization.
However, Google also sets certain standards in terms of not damaging the sponsors who are advertisers.
It may not be compatible with the taste of someone's blog.
In addition, it is quite possible that the screening criteria and screening method may change depending on the time of year, so I don't think it is possible to judge the quality of a blog based on the number and duration of screening rejections.
It was said that it would take 6 months for me, so I was prepared to do it in 3 weeks, but it is possible that it was just a time when the efficiency of the review was improving.
Also, since the purpose of passing in the review is to monetize it, it does not mean that you should pass in the review as soon as possible considering the current situation where the number of accesses is small.
As other bloggers have said, it seems that the number of accesses will be obtained from about half a year later, so it does not have a big impact on monetization whether it is early or late. Become.
I myself passed in the review, which led to some kind of motivation.
However, to stay qualified for Google AdSense, you don't have to do anything after you get it, but there is pressure to maintain or improve this quality.
Besides finding the theme of the blog, there are a lot of issues such as how to write a blog, how to give a title, how to use images, SEO measures, etc.
For a while, he seems to have to devote himself to polishing himself rather than worrying about monetization.
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