Candid impressions of A Silent Voice | Realistic human drama


★Ablock Movie reviews

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What you hear and see from A Silent Voice

  Impressive scene

I found a good movie and would like to introduce it.

Even though it's an introduction, this work was released in September 2016, so I'm quite late.

What impressed me most was that the protagonist to change himself.

However, it is quite difficult to realize the determination even if it is genuine.

That is also expressed in the story.

And my favorite scene may be the last.

Real and cruel development

The nice thing about this story is that they don't force it to a happy ending.

I think happiness is one answer and a result.

When you see the people in conflict, you will advise, "Stop being unproductive and get along."

Most people may just look coldly.

They do nothing.

Everyone knows what's right and what's wrong.

So, it's very easy to say this.

But this movie doesn't.

The protagonist, the protagonist's family, the heroine, the heroine's family, and their friends all have problems or weaknesses, and when those people just wish for a peaceful life, when they wish would have a happy life, and when they get together because they want to spend time, some people cry, and some people get angry because of disagreements.

There are many conflicts and debates before they reach happiness, or there must be them.

I objectively studied human society.

The charm of this movie is that it depicts the sadness, irritability, regret, etc. of the characters who are arguing, tearing, and blocking, without breaking the emotional appearance. increase.


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