Effective against larger flies such as house flies
It can be used not only for extermination
but also for pet food and live capture for research.
When it gets warm, flies come out of nowhere.
Using insecticides is the quickest way to deal with flies in your room, but there are times when insecticides can't be used.
- Put dishes and ingredients
- Worried about children and babies
- Worried about pets
- Keeping insects
- Hate pesticides
There are various reasons, but nothing that instantly kills flies is harmless to humans.
That's why you have to wait until it takes effect immediately even if you set a stationary trap for extermination methods other than insecticides.
Fly swatter seems to be useful, but it also requires a lot of motor nerves to catch a quick fly.
So, I will introduce how to kill the fly by dropping its action power.
The method is, of course, "let the fly
until it stops flying".
Instead of trying to stop the fly, I dare to fly from here.
If the fly is buzzing, wait a while and see how it goes.
And when it stops somewhere, you don't need really to hit it with a fly swatter, but you peck it just enough to make it run away.
Flies are very cautious and will quickly run away from anything that approaches them, so take advantage of that behavioral pattern and use your hand, towel, or anything else to fly the fly.
Stop and skip, stop and skip.
What happens is that the fly gets tired and can't fly.
Flies usually fly around freely, but of course there are limits.
If it moves its wings all the time, it won't be able to show off and fly.
The flight distance and flight time will gradually become shorter, so once you've cornered them to the point where they can't fly anymore, beat them with a fly swatter, pinch them with a tissue, or use whatever method you like to get rid of them.
How to reliably kill flies without using insecticides
It can also be used when you want to
capture live lizards, fish food, or research materials.
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