Being able to participate in society while receiving public assistance and being a valuable existence
1. Is flaming of homeless hate speech Ryogo's conspiring?
2. What Mentalist DaiGo really wanted to say in homeless discrimination
3. Mentalist DaiGo who was tossed by capitalism like homeless people
4. Business strategies of really smart people ◄ Current page
5. Mentalist DaiGo and the Beggar master Warashibe Choja
6. Is the criticism of Mentalist DaiGo correct?
4. Business strategies of really smart people
In the midst of capitalism, why are so-called millionaires convinced to pay taxes?
And donate to disasters and poverty?
Some people will answer "Tax measures!"
But that's not all.
Do you think people living on welfare are a burden to society?
No, there are many people who have returned to society after receiving public assistance for a certain period.
Then, do you think that society does not need people with disabilities, people who cannot fit into society, and people who have been receiving public assistance for a long time?
That's not true.
If money is left unbalanced by a few people, the market economy will stagnate, and our profits will be gradually threatened.
Smartphones, the Internet, groceries, electrical appliances, everything must expand its share.
Some are buying them out of life insurance.
If the number of homeless people increases, we will lose customers.
Even if you are on welfare, you are a respectable member of society who participates in the economy and appeals to society's needs.
Managers keep this area in mind, so they use the national welfare system and intervene in the operation of welfare facilities to keep the economy running.
Sponsoring an NPO is also a useful way for companies to expand their market share and meet their needs.
Even if you are in the position of a salaried worker, you are contributing to the invisible social system that keeps your company, customers, subcontractors, and branches going around.
In a capitalist society and a competitive society, if people with economic strength advance too far, those who cannot keep up will be left behind.
At such times, if people with economic power slow down because they have advanced too far, there is a danger that other people will get ahead of them.
So, there is a system of charity to help the slow movers and ensure they are not left behind.
There are various forms of thinking that slow people are bad or better not.
Some people may think that the country and their companies will become stronger if they are cut off because they are less powerful from a capitalist point of view.
But is this a reasonable idea?
In a nutshell, is this the idea of a smart person?
I do not think so.
It can be said that the formation of capitalism and competitive society is a structure that has inevitably been completed in the struggle for existence, so to speak, between tribes and even between nations.
Therefore, from a social point of view, economic power is necessary, but from a very personal point of view, we are forced to participate in such conflicts.
In such a society, there will be a certain percentage of people who can't keep up financially and who can't work as usual.
For example, even for one disability, this proportion is immutable within the human species.
And it's much more efficient to think about what you can't change from the beginning, rather than laying out idealistic theories about what it would be like if it didn't exist.
It is too unscientific to use wishful thinking and baseless trust in God.
If there is a step that people often trip over, it would be smarter to fill in the gap rather than having a lifeguard to warn and criticize each time.
In addition, there are many cases in which people with disabilities or illnesses are helped in their lives by devising ways to live as healthy a life as possible.
This idea is widely applied in universal design.
For another example, what about driving a
It now has power steering. In the days before this, even men had a hard time turning the steering wheel.
When the car was moving slowly, the weight was added to it, so people had to use force to turn the steering wheel.
With the introduction of power steering, the steering wheel has become easier to move, and it can be said that it has increased the share of people who have weak physical strength or who have weakened due to aging, including women.
If the demand increases and the number of buyers increases, the price of power steering will decrease.
Directly, indirectly, physically, and economically, profits are being returned to those who were originally able to use the car.
Therefore, the acceptance of people born and living under various conditions is a survival strategy and strength of human beings.
Certainly, there may be some areas where the government's policies are inadequate and where the tax money is used is unclear.
This is going to become a political issue.
If DaiGo is complaining about the social security system, I think he's complaining about politics, not the homeless.
Or it may have been referring to a fraudulent recipient of welfare as it is said on the internet.
Chapter 5. Mentalist DaiGo and the Beggar master Warashibe Choja
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