A truly mature society is not perfect
Rapper Ryoff Karma, who has been in demand in the media recently.
After some research, I found out that he likes insects.
Moreover, insects such as moths and flies that are usually considered pests are hated.
When I was a child, I read Fabre Insects and learned that flies play an important role in the ecosystem of animals and plants. I was able to have the insight that it is not necessary, rather, it is indispensable.
I don't know what part of Karma Ryoff likes about the fly, but it's the part that I just thought would get along a little better.
Recently, AC Japan produced a commercial that I can relate to as an adult.
It is a commercial titled "Tolerance Rap".
In front of the cash register at a convenience store, an elderly woman (Sachi Odawara) is about to pay.
She has Karma Lu Bu lined up behind her, and several customers are waiting in line behind her.
An elderly woman is trying to get money out of her wallet, but her hands are sluggish.
Even though she said, "I'm sorry," she gradually couldn't grab the change as her hands trembled more and more in her impatience.
Behind the elderly woman Ryoff Karma taps her leg like a poor blackmailer.
Just when you think she's frustrated, she hits the rhythm and starts rapping.
She said, ``Go at your own pace, don't worry about anything,'' she said.
I thought it was a very good CM.
When I was a university student, the theme of my research was the social participation of people with disabilities. The aim was to build a society where people could work anywhere.
Especially in the service industry, the phrase "the customer is God" is misused, and I feel that we are falling into an excessive quality-first policy.
Japan's service quality is so high that even fast-food restaurants such as McDonald's are known overseas as top-notch, and I think that's something we should be proud of.
However, on the other hand, it is also true that the demands on employees have become unlimited, making it difficult for people with various circumstances to work.
High quality is good.
That's all well and good, but I thought society would run more smoothly and happily if there was a little bit more open-mindedness on the part of the workers.
For that reason, I think that the customer and the customer should acquire training and habits to compromise.
These days, it's not uncommon to see foreigners working at convenience stores.
I think that the number of people who express a sense of refusal about it is decreasing, and I think that the majority of people already think nothing of it.
It is a “custom” that Japanese society has acquired.
Disabled people may work a little slower than neurotypical people.
You may have to wait.
But I think that getting used to that kind of speed is also necessary to make society better in the future.
That is what we call a mature society in the true sense of the word.
Therefore, I believe that an environment where people with disabilities can go out to places where they can interact with other people is good for people with disabilities and for the people who come into contact with them as customers.
At first, there will be friction, and it is expected that there will be fights, angry shouts, and complaints, but I think that society will gradually adapt, and it will become the norm.
In Ryoff Karma's commercial, the customer is in a position where they find life difficult, but it is the same in that the people around them accept it.
However, one point here is that when CM is applied to reality, it is expected that a slightly difficult problem will occur.
Touching the gentle world, the impressions of this commercial are full of praises, saying, "I wish we had a society like this."
The feeling is real and correct.
The next thing we should be prepared for is that while commercials show an elderly woman who is impatient for making them wait, in reality, symptoms that make them wait It means that there are many situations in which people who have 'I'm sorry' don't even say 'I'm sorry' and don't rush.
People who can say "I'm sorry" are people who can afford to listen to other people's feelings.
People who can show impatience may be people who can objectively see their situation.
"Kindness is not for people"
However, even if I meet someone who does not have such ability or spare capacity at present, I still want to be tolerant.
The generosity you show to everyone will go around and make the society you live in comfortably.
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