Final germination days and after about 3 months from seeding of amaryllis


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Amaryllis growth record 2nd

In the previous article, I wrote about how many days it takes for amaryllis to germinate from sowing seeds, and I wrote about the growth process and cultivation method in "Amaryllis Planter Cultivation | How long does it take from sowing seeds to germination?".

Planter Cultivation of Amaryllis | How many days does it take from seeding to germination?

Growing amaryllis from seed. Cultivated in a planter on the veranda while feeling uneasy about not sprouting. Observe how many days you have to wait after planting the seeds for sprouts to emerge. How to grow amaryllis.



Last germination from sowing

Tuesday, August 30th

The last germination was confirmed on the 58th day after sowing.

Does that mean that there are things that take about two months?

Growth of amaryllis about 3 months after seeding

Growth of amaryllis about 3 months after seeding

However, even within the same planter, there are differences in the amount of sunlight, water retention capacity, and the thickness of the soil on the seeds, so it is not a precise observation result.

I put the planter there because it doesn't get much direct sunlight in midsummer than the veranda wall.

Growth after 3 months

Saturday, September 24th

About 3 months after sowing.

The intense heat of the summer has passed, and I have moved it from the shade to the sun.

The fastest growing ones have the second leaf growing to about half the size of the first leaf.

Growth of amaryllis about 3 months after seeding

Growth of amaryllis about 3 months after seeding

So far, all 15 strains that have sprouted are growing well.

In the future, I am considering repotting them individually.


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