The case that cheaters entry into the official tournament on March 4th
I wouldn't call this a suspicion.
Obvious cheater, cheating.
Cheating is acceptable.
And this is the case because there is a victim.
On March 4, 2023, Rush Gaming's Gorou, who was damaged by the cheater participation incident at the official Call of Duty tournament called APAC, has uploaded a verification video.
It seems to be almost the same as the one submitted to the competition management.
In response to Gorou's complaint,
The management responded as follows.
"I was shot while I was out of sight of the other party."
→ "This is an operational error."
"In the kill cam, the opponent's sniper scope view is following me through the wall."
"When you get out of the shield a little, the opponent 'moves to the line of fire' and shoots."
"(Showing a verification video of another player who was damaged by the same cheater) The point of view in the sniper scope moves so as to lick the shield, and the moment the player shows his face, he shoots."
→ "It's not a cheat, it's timing."
And in the end, the management answered, "I don't understand" and ended.
Why can we say this is definitely cheats?
There is no clearer evidence than Gorou's verification video, but I will explain myself.
Centering is facing the wall.
The cheat program used this time seems to be a kind of wall hack, where the opponent can be seen through the wall.
As a characteristic of cheaters who use wall hacks, it is common for the centering (center of the screen) to face the wall.
If you play normally, it is impossible for the centering to face the wall.
Centering is placed where there is no cover, where the cover breaks, and where the player faces.
This time, it is impossible to face the direction of the footsteps because it is a distance and movement where you cannot hear the footsteps.
Even if you hear footsteps, you're still facing the direction where the enemy is coming from, and you're not looking at the wall.
Even beginners don't do it, so there's no reason for professional-level people to take this kind of action.
Accidental shooting to the opponent hidden in the shield occurs.
I said that the opponent can be seen through the wall, but the wall hack is a cheat program that prioritizes the outline of the opponent.
Since the outline of the opponent is displayed in front of the existing objects and textures, it is difficult to tell whether the opponent is behind or in front of the shield.
If it's far away, they won't be able to understand it too much.
Even if they use cheats, they will die if they get shot.
For this reason, cheaters are always nervous, and even if the opponent is behind a wall, they may reflexively shoot when they see the outline of the opponent.
Prefire by moving to the line of fire.
You don't have to be a cheater to instantly shoot an opponent whose face has come out of cover, or to shoot before you can see the opponent in anticipation that they'll come out of cover.
It's one of the techniques of prefire.
However, the shot from the cheater that Gorou received this time is different.
The cheater jumps out to a place where he can shoot Gorou and shoots at him.
I can understand if you say "wait and shoot" in a strong position (a place where it is difficult for the opponent to hit).
However, this time, he dared to jump out into the middle of the passage where there were no obstacles and move to a position where he could shoot Gorou.
No, this is no longer a prefire, he is shooting because he can see it.
This is also proof that you are using a wall hack that allows you to know the location of the other party.
Consequences of the same team failing to use the cheats.
— Gorou / Rush Gaming (@RushGorou) March 5, 2023
21 vs 250 on Hardpoint.
This ratio is strangely real, like a contest between a skilled player and a beginner.
Why the Management Allows Cheating in Official Tournaments
The management did not respond to Gorou's objection.
They ignored him by lining up completely unreasonable orders.
People who do this always have an excuse with "some purpose".
Therefore, it is meaningless even if the alleging side arranges any evidence as much as possible and explains it theoretically.
They don't want to understand from the beginning, and they don't even listen.
If you see a person who keeps making strange excuses even after you have explained it two or three times, you should think that the person doesn't understand the theory anymore, and that there is some purpose behind it.
Suspected collusion
First of all, if such cheating is justified in sports, the first thing to suspect is collusion.
In various fields such as soccer and boxing, referees have been bribed, and there have been many cases of misjudgments and neglect in exchange for large sums of money and favorable treatment.
If you wonder where the collusion in this tournament is connected, you might see it as [Cheater] and [Management], but it is probably more intense than that [Cheat program seller] and [One of the managements It is collusion with people in the department].
This is because it is difficult to think of a medium- to long-term strategy for the entire operation to tolerate cheating or to have collusion with the seller.
If they do, they will lose credibility completely.
I don't think they would take such a big risk and get along with a cheat program seller.
However, it is easy to imagine the fear of succumbing to the lure of money if someone is a person and a seller wanting an allowance.
If users recognize that "it's okay to cheat without being caught" after this incident, cheat programs may increase sales.
In return, if cheating is tolerated, the composition of paying a reward to the person who has the right to deliberate the tournament is established.
This is a situation where all management must re-examine the incident of cheater participation in this tournament and expose people who are suspected of collusion.
This is because we must not allow the players and the entire operation to suffer disadvantages for the benefit of a few people.
Suspected racial/national discrimination.
I hate to say this, but it's a real problem.
Racism that disrespects white people of color.
Nationality discrimination that comes from differences in historical views even if they are from the same Asian country.
If a person with such negative feelings' judges, he or she will disregard the complaints of those who are victims of cheating.
Even if he or she doesn't have a direct connection to cheaters, they might think that it would be good if the Japanese were at a disadvantage and the team they could tolerate would win.
Even in these days when the world is rapidly globalizing due to the development of the Internet and transportation, such discrimination problems are still deep-rooted.
Suspicion of negligence
If it is not collusion or discrimination, the remaining concern is neglect of management.
In this case, it may be the entire operation, or it may be a subset of people responsible for running the tournament.
And the reason why this kind of neglect occurs is because the management is mechanically hosting the tournament.
If they don't like Call of Duty, they probably don't find the battles of the players interesting.
They want to go home early and do what they like.
That's why they want to finish the tournament on time.
Or it is possible that the operation is tied to the management plan of the host.
The reason is that the broadcast time of the tournament, the fee for the moderator and commentator, and the part-time job fee and administrative expenses for the internal employees are fixed, so they cannot push the time.
Therefore, no matter who hears it, they make excuses that don't make sense and proceed with things with an emphasis on the schedule.
However, if we continue to do this, does it not lead to the idea that the end will not be the tournament, but the culture of CoD, the CoD itself?
For management, tournaments are nothing more than a tool to raise money, and players who spend their lives honing their skills may be considered nothing more than gamers who love games.
Such neglect tramples on the feelings of the players and the fans who support them.
The competitiveness of Call of Duty that the management itself denies.
If the management is aware that this tournament is really a place to test the competitive potential of Call of Duty, the game will be suspended.
Do not let the suspicion continue.
The acceptance of cheaters shown by the tournament management this time shows that the management itself thinks that e-sports is nothing more than an imitation of sports after all.
Even if they use splendid commentary, cool uniforms, and large prize money for advertising, it's just a decoy, an imitation of a historical sport.
I do not think so.
e-sports are the sports that share fair rules, challenge human limits such as human reflexes, judgment, strategy, reflection and improvement, practice, concentration, physical strength, etc. within the same rules, and finally everyone praises the players who fought well regardless of whether it's an enemy or an ally.
And children admire the athletes who challenge for that brilliant glory.
However, the management tolerated cheaters without sufficient verification, and as an excuse, they themselves denied the competitiveness, saying, "It's luck, it's timing."
If we can kill with luck and timing, why spend hundreds of hours practicing aiming?
In that case, the weapon customization should be discarded, and the winner should be decided by rolling the dice.
That was the only thing they shouldn't have said.
Allowing cheaters to participate in this tournament should not have gone down in Call of Duty history.
In addition, the management should not have made lighthearted statements in defense of cheating.
The management not only tolerated cheats, but they also confessed that they could not detect cheats.
If they can't recognize such a simple cheat, then of course they can't even take proper measures.
It means that they declared that "we cannot deal with cheats" to general players.
It can be said that it was an event that cast a shadow on the long history of Call of Duty, which has always competed with other FPS for supremacy.
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