CoD DMZ solo | Whistleblower | Governor's laptop and Beach Club dead drop


Game play

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Whistleblower summary

  1. Take the governor's laptop from Ashika Island town hall.
  2. Take the laptop to the Ashika Beach Club dead drop in the same deployment.
  3. Deliver a screwdriver into the same dead drop in the same deployment.

CoD DMZ solo | Whistleblower | Governor's laptop and Beach Club dead drop

The Town Hall in the mission and task descriptions is actually the [City Hall] you can see on the map.

Why did this happen?

Ashika Island also has an area called Town Center, so it's a mistake that could lead to even more misleading.

Take the governor's laptop.

Location of City Hall, not Town Hall.

City Hall is a D-shaped building located southwest of Ashika Island.

Please refer to the place marked on the map.

where the pointer is.

There is an elite fortress symbol mark, and if you hover the pointer over it, [City Hall] will be displayed, so I think it's easy to understand.

CoD DMZ solo | Whistleblower | Governor's laptop and Beach Club dead drop

It stands out because it is a large three-story building.

CoD DMZ solo | Whistleblower | Governor's laptop and Beach Club dead drop

However, in order to enter City Hall, a [City Hall Hideout Key] is required.

CoD DMZ solo | Whistleblower | Governor's laptop and Beach Club dead drop

Mine was dropped by enemies or found in containers.

Governor's laptop location

The Governor's laptop is located on the first floor of City Hall.

If you enter through the two doors on the south side, you can reach the governor's laptop by the shortest distance.

CoD DMZ solo | Whistleblower | Governor's laptop and Beach Club dead drop

I drew this in haste but enter through the door with the red arrow and meander to the yellow star where the governor's laptop is.

CoD DMZ solo | Whistleblower | Governor's laptop and Beach Club dead drop

When you enter the door, there is a place like a government office, so please go inside.

CoD DMZ solo | Whistleblower | Governor's laptop and Beach Club dead drop

On the desk in the center of the office is the governor's laptop.

CoD DMZ solo | Whistleblower | Governor's laptop and Beach Club dead drop

Beach Club dead drop location

The Beach Club Dead Drop is very close to City Hall.

CoD DMZ solo | Whistleblower | Governor's laptop and Beach Club dead drop

As the mission description says, it's easily recognizable as it's behind the gas station in front of City Hall.

CoD DMZ solo | Whistleblower | Governor's laptop and Beach Club dead drop

CoD DMZ solo | Whistleblower | Governor's laptop and Beach Club dead drop

Flow until clearing the Whistleblower

In my case, I thought that if I headed to City Hall early on, I would be spotted by other operators, so I would find a driver and collect money to buy armor until less than 10 minutes remained.

You can't enter without the key, so I wanted to avoid the risk of losing the key as much as possible.

Screwdrivers can be placed on the shelves, but as you know, containers often emerge from toolboxes or computers.

CoD DMZ solo | Whistleblower | Governor's laptop and Beach Club dead drop

CoD DMZ solo | Whistleblower | Governor's laptop and Beach Club dead drop

After confirming that there are no other operators on the spotter scope with 10 minutes left, I entered the city hall from the south door on the first floor and immediately took the governor's laptop.

Head straight to the Dead Drop to complete the mission.

CoD DMZ solo | Whistleblower | Governor's laptop and Beach Club dead drop

By the way, note that the task will be reset if the laptop and screwdriver are not put in the same sortie.


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