Garland chrysanthemum planter cultivation | Record 1


My diary

t f B! P L

All for Sukiyaki

I decided to grow garland chrysanthemums on my balcony.

My goal is to eat plenty of garland chrysanthemums in a sukiyaki pot this winter.

Sukiyaki is made by putting a lot of beef, grilled tofu, stringy konnyaku, Chinese cabbage, etc. in a thick soy sauce-based broth, but it's completely different without garland chrysanthemum.

However, when I go to the supermarket, I look at the price and buy it a little modestly.

Therefore, although there are labor and fertilizer costs for growing it myself, it is canceled out as the pleasure of growing something, so I made a plan to eat plenty of delicious garland chrysanthemums for practically free.

I used the following site as a reference for cultivation.

Sunday 18th September

First stage of soil preparation.

Mix the fertilizer into the soil.
Garland chrysanthemum planter cultivation | Record 1

Garland chrysanthemum planter cultivation | Record 1

Garland chrysanthemum planter cultivation | Record 1

Sunday 25th September

Second stage of soil preparation.

Mix limestone into the soil.

As explained on the site, I did it one week after applying the chemical fertilizer.

Garland chrysanthemum planter cultivation | Record 1

Garland chrysanthemum planter cultivation | Record 1

The photo shows the place where Magnesium Lime has been sprinkled, but after this, it is mixed properly with a shovel.

Also let it rest for a week.

Sunday 2nd October

It's time to sow the seeds.

The more time you spent making the soil, the more excited you are.

The seeds are shaped like wood chips.

Since the germination rate is low, I sprinkled them in streaks.

Wednesday, October 5th

Three days after sowing, the seeds sprouted.
Garland chrysanthemum planter cultivation | Record 1

Garland chrysanthemum planter cultivation | Record 1

Garland chrysanthemum planter cultivation | Record 1

There are some that are still covered with seed shells.

Friday, October 7th

Five days after sowing, I was able to see even more sprouts.
Garland chrysanthemum planter cultivation | Record 1

Garland chrysanthemum planter cultivation | Record 1

Garland chrysanthemum planter cultivation | Record 1

The germination rate is better than I expected.

I felt that the thinning out was going to be difficult.

Monday 17th October

15 days after sowing.

It has grown quite a bit since it sprouted, but I think it grows slower than Japanese mustard spinach.

Is it because it is a plant when the temperature is low?
Garland chrysanthemum planter cultivation | Record 1

Garland chrysanthemum planter cultivation | Record 1

However, it was also the moment when I caught a glimpse of the garland chrysanthemum with its jagged true leaves.

I'm looking forward to it.

Monday 24th October

The growth is slow as ever, but the jagged true leaves are stretched out to make it look more like garland chrysanthemum.
Garland chrysanthemum planter cultivation | Record 1

Garland chrysanthemum planter cultivation | Record 1

If you look closely, it seems that some of them have sprouted recently.

22 days after sowing.

It's pretty late, isn't it?

Garland chrysanthemum planter cultivation | Record 1

I decided to cut it here.

Looking at the small garland chrysanthemums crowded together, I think it's a little late, but this is the first time I've thinned them out, which I'm not good at.

When I was growing komatsuna, I couldn't do it, so I took it as it was.

The reason why I'm not good at thinning out plants is not because I have the kindness to admire plants.

It's just that the stingy heart of being a waste slows down your actions.

But here I turned my heart into a demon and decimated.

But I've thinned out here with a strong decision.

Garland chrysanthemum planter cultivation | Record 1

I feel refreshed like this.

Garland chrysanthemum planter cultivation | Record 1

It seems that they will be thinned out again as they grow, but I would like to keep an eye on them until then.

Although the standard for thinning was that the growth was slow, I pulled out to leave 3 cm intervals regardless of the state of the garland chrysanthemum.

It's a shame, but it can't be helped.

Unexpectedly, I replanted the culled seeds in another pot.

Garland chrysanthemum planter cultivation | Record 1

And two.

Garland chrysanthemum planter cultivation | Record 1

There are probably more things that were pulled out than things that were left in thinning.

The soil was improvised on that day, mixed with chemical fertilizer and magnesium lime, and the popping sound when pulling out the eyes suggests that the roots may be damaged.

The upbringing may be bad, but I will continue thinking that if it grows even a little, I will make a profit.


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