CoD DMZ solo | Who's Watching | Get, set up a Tactical Camera


Game play

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All you need is a tactical camera

After all, it's still Tier 1.

It's not terribly difficult.

Who's Watching summary

  1. Acquire a Tactical Camera.
  2. Setup a Tactical Camera pointing at the underpass in Rohan Oil.
  3. Snapshot 5 enemies in Rohan Oil with a Tactical Camera.

Get a tactical camera

As a field upgrade, the Tactical Camera is easiest to equip in your pre-spawn loadout.

CoD DMZ solo | Who's Watching | Get, set up a Tactical Camera

If you equip it and sortie, you can complete the task of obtaining a tactical camera immediately after the match starts.

CoD DMZ solo | Who's Watching | Get, set up a Tactical Camera

Regarding the appearance rate from the tactical camera container, it is subjective, but the impression is that the probability is quite low.

In fact, I don't remember it, like I've never gotten it from the container.

Install a tactical camera in underpass of Rohan oil

The [underpass in Rohan Oil] specified in the task is the exclusion zone or fortress in the center of Rohan Oil.

An icon that looks like a horn of a beetle is a landmark.

CoD DMZ solo | Who's Watching | Get, set up a Tactical Camera

When approaching, it is a short tunnel that dug the land price like this.

CoD DMZ solo | Who's Watching | Get, set up a Tactical Camera

As you proceed, you will receive a notice.

CoD DMZ solo | Who's Watching | Get, set up a Tactical Camera

Snapshot with a tactical camera

After placing a tactical camera, you will be able to see it from the camera's point of view.

CoD DMZ solo | Who's Watching | Get, set up a Tactical Camera

Marking an enemy with the capacity of the Recon Drone will shoot it and the task will proceed.

In the image above, it's set up right after entering the area, but it might have been better if it was a little closer to where the enemy is.

In any case, it's a good idea to skillfully switch the point of view between yourself and the camera, lure the enemy in, and move yourself to a safe place while proceeding with the work.

Important point

Rohan oil is popular for operators.

Gunshots are also often heard.

It's a no-entry zone without a key, so there's a red supply box, so it's a perfect place to procure expensive supplies.

However, we also have to complete our missions, so we can't just hold back.

You can equip the tactical camera as many times as you want in your loadout, so don't worry about failing and try again and again.


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