Place-bound tasks are scrambled waiting
Whether or not the operator will come depends on the luck of the moment.
Let's make a plan to rebuild the Al-Said area with bullets and explosives...
Mole rat overview
- Kill 20 enemies at the Sa'id City mall without being downed.
- Kill 3 operators at the mall in Sa'id City mall.
Get 20 kills at the mall without being downed
where to get a kill
Locations that count as kills are, frankly, inside the buildings of the Al Sa'id shopping center, including the parking lot and rooftop.
And it seems that your position is important in kill judgment, not the position of the enemy, so if you are on the premises of the shopping center, even if you kill an enemy far away from there, it will be counted.
Places that don't count as kills
Even if it faces the shopping center, it will not be a kill judgment if it is outside the building.
For example, near a dead drop facing the wall of a shopping center will not count.
Also, getting on the roof overhanging the shopping center and killing it didn't count.
In addition, there were several cases where the judgment was made in the building of the shopping center, but suddenly it was not judged, so I recognize that this is an accidental problem.
Handy Weapons
Sniper rifle or scoped weapon
There are many enemies in the shopping center of Al-Sa'id.
But mostly strong soldiers in armor.
In order to go inside to deal with them, it is necessary to enhance equipment such as 3 armor vests, armor plates, weapons and ammunition.
With a Sniper Rifle, you can earn numbers by killing enemies far away from the shopping center from a safe location. (Enemy in a private house that can be seen from a shopping center, etc.)
Also, after killing all the enemies around the shopping center, you can attack from a safer position when facing the armored soldiers inside. (The inside can be removed from the roof)
Enemies may enter the parking lot from outside, and if there is a SAM site, there may be enemies inside, so it is safer to have weapons that can be used in close combat.
Important point
"without down"
As the description of the task says, once you go down, the progress of the task will return to 0.
The enemies and time are not infinite, so it's better to check the enemy's position and proceed without forcibly attacking in order to take care of the kills you get.
Booby trap
An unusual number of wires are stretched in the shopping center.
You've probably seen a wire or two in a private house.
It's not like that in a shopping center.
It's even more difficult because it's dark inside and hard to find.
Please proceed with caution.
Ammo container
Even if you run out of ammo after fighting an enemy, there are ammo containers nearby, so you don't have to worry about ammo counts.
SAM site
Although not always, SAM sites are sometimes installed in parking lots.
In that case, enemies are also placed around.
Enemy reinforcements will come when you activate the SAM site, so I think killing them is one way.
UAV tower
Again, this isn't always the case, but sometimes a UAV tower is installed on the north side of the shopping center roof.
You will be facing two enemies, but since you can search for enemies in a wide range, you should actively use it in the sense of strengthening both offense and defense.
Kill 3 operators in the mall
Handy Weapons
your loadout weapons
Since it's against the operator, I think the best weapon is one that you're good at.
It would be nice to be able to bring familiar weapons from multiplayer and Warzone from the loadout.
In my case, I only encountered enemies in relatively large parking lots or rooftops, so I felt that weapons that are strong at long distances would be more advantageous.
My custom weapon is an M4 tuned for multiplayer.
By the way, after this, I was killed by his friend (^^;
But it's 1 kill.
Light machine gun (with scope)
There were times when two or three operators would come, so when dealing with multiple people, the reload time becomes a big unfavorable.
This may be my preference, but I felt that the light machine gun with a large number of bullets and high firepower was easier to kill.
It's also useful to have a sniper rifle or scoped weapon so you can kill operators at a distance while on the mall grounds.
(I'm sorry that the color of the image is bugged <(_ _)>)
Anti-Armor Rounds
If you use the field upgrade anti-armor rounds in your loadout, you will usually be knocked down in an instant.
Whether you are dealing with one enemy or multiple enemies, there is no loss in wearing it.
In my case, I attached anti-armor rounds to weapons with a large capacity, such as light machine guns, and by defeating Al-Qatala soldiers with another weapon, I saved them for the upcoming operator battle.
Some items, such as Air Strike and Bomb Drone, are easy to purchase at shops.
Killstreaks in the DMZ don't spawn as often as in Multiplayer or Warzone, so using killstreaks here is a huge advantage.
It's very convenient to use when they're hidden behind a cover, or when they're knocked down but can't confirm the kill.
(I'm sorry that the color of the image is bugged <m(__)m>)
Enhance equipment at the beginning of a match
Police station and armory
Going with 1 armor against an operator is pretty bad.
Also, as explained above, you will need some good weapons.
If you fail an escape and lose your gear, you'll want to try again as soon as possible.
In that case, I feel that the quickest way is to stop at the armory/police station on the road to Sa'id City or around Sa'id.
There is a police station between the shopping mall and the river.
You may also be able to pick up an armor vest or backpack (medium) or (large) there.
Also, armor plates are fairly easy to find.
The armory above is the building marked by an ammunition container with an atrium in the center.
Shopping center supply box
The shopping center is a locked restricted area, but you can enter through the roof without a key.
I think it's safe to go to the roof from the connecting corridor on the top floor of the parking lot.
On the roof of the shopping center, there are two armored soldiers on each side of the corridor, so be careful.
There is a hole to put inside the shopping center from the roof.
There is a red supply box at the bottom.
Although it is a restricted area, there are no enemies in the room just below you.
The further you go, the more enemies you will encounter.
Also, there is a booby trap on the door, so please unlock it before proceeding.
1)Find the weapon container and duffel bag at the starting point
2) Hunt for supplies in the armory and police station
3)Find the supply box in Al-Said's shopping center
You can quickly tackle the task with the procedure of.
Important point
Only downs don't count
As a matter of course, the task will not proceed without confirming the kill.
When dealing with multiple enemies, it's hard to decide whether to desperately chase until the kill confirmation to advance one task, or to postpone the kill confirmation and deal with the remaining enemies.
In my case, I proceeded with the task with kill confirmation priority.
No operator
It really depends on them whether the operators come or not.
When they came, I had about 4 teams including myself in one match, but when they didn't come, I was forced to leave without coming at all.
In that sense, it may be a mission that requires a little perseverance.
You might be able to make a profit if you start out as a killed service, not a beaten service (-Å-)
I... won't do it.
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