CoD DMZ solo | Two Birds | What can you destroy reinforcement helos with?


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Killing two birds with steady preparation

It is a three-step forward, two-step back strategy that requires preparation in order to be efficient.

Two Birds summary

There are three tasks:

  1. Travel to Al-Safwa Quarry.
  2. Kill 18 enemies in the Quarry
  3. Destroy 2 reinforcement helicopters in Al-Safwa Quarry

CoD DMZ solo | Two Birds | What can you destroy reinforcement helos with?

I think that moving to Al-Safwa Quarry and killing enemies there can be cleared without much trouble.

Therefore, this article will mainly focus on destroying reinforcement helicopters.

5 items that were useful in destroying reinforcement helicopters

Throw a grenade

In my case, I use Semtex, which has a fixed impact point and is easy to understand.

If you can attach the two, you can destroy it with just one AR magazine.

I think this is the easiest way to make it without any extensive preparation.

Try to have more than one in containers, ammo containers, drops from enemies, munition boxes, etc.

Use a jork

This is a state-of-the-art anti-tank rocket launcher called the Joker.

If you lock on to it, it will automatically pursue and destroy it in one hit.

CoD DMZソロ|一石二鳥|安定的に増援ヘリを破壊できるもの

Considering the hassle of taking it from a guaranteed weapon, it can be destroyed so easily that it cannot be compared with other means.

LTV with turret

It is an armored car with a machine gun that was active in "Frame Job".

CoD DMZ solo | Two Birds | What can you destroy reinforcement helos with?

At $18,000 at the buy station, it's quite pricey, but with it you can take down reinforcement helicopters and enemies fairly easily.

If you place the LTV on a hill at the edge of Al-Safwa Quarry, the helicopter will appear at the same height as you.

The turret's projectile speed is slow and has a cooldown of about 2, but if you anticipate the helicopter's movement and shoot a little earlier, you can shoot it down before it flies and disappears.

CoD DMZ solo | Two Birds | What can you destroy reinforcement helos with?

The armored car will serve as a shield against the attacks of the Al-Qatala soldiers who appear one after another as reinforcements, so it's relatively safe for a long time.

CoD DMZ solo | Two Birds | What can you destroy reinforcement helos with?

Rocket Launcher + Light Machine Gun

A rocket launcher that is easier to obtain than an LTV with a turret.

CoD DMZ solo | Two Birds | What can you destroy reinforcement helos with?

While the helicopter is stopped, it is easy to hit the rocket launcher, so it will be a very effective weapon.

Even if the helicopter finishes unloading the Al-Qatala soldiers and takes off, it is easy to shoot them down by switching to the light machine gun and shooting them.

However, both are heavy weapons, so it seems that inconvenience will come out in terms of movement speed and fighting.

Launchers are easy to procure locally as the enemy has them.

It's easy to understand because it shoots a rocket launcher.

In particular, I think that they often keep watch on the roofs of buildings.  

CoD DMZ solo | Two Birds | What can you destroy reinforcement helos with?

CoD DMZ solo | Two Birds | What can you destroy reinforcement helos with?

Air Strike

If the air strike hits, the reinforcement helicopter is destroyed.

CoD DMZ solo | Two Birds | What can you destroy reinforcement helos with?

(The image above is Al Malik Turminal)

You can get it for $12,000 at the Buying Station.

Alternatively, they can be found in Red Supply Boxes, Locked Rooms, Supply Drops, etc.

It's a valuable item, so it's a big shock if you are accidentally no hit or get killed before you can use it.

Video of destroying a reinforcement helicopter

It is a cut of the part where the reinforcement helicopters were destroyed.

I apologize for the poor quality, but I hope this helps.

The state of the mission [No Rushing] at Al-Malik Turminal is also included.


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