CoD DMZ Solo | Kill Commander with Commanding Intel


Game play

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Experience the thrill of a gun action movie

A relatively quiet investigation mission at the beginning, the climax is a one-on-one fight with that guy with a gatling.

Isn't it a very slow and steady scenario?

Commanding Intel Summary

There are three missions belonging to the Legion, commanding Intel tasks.

  1. Get Secure Intel Contract
  2. Complete the Secure Intel Contract to reveal the enemy commander's location
  3. kill the commander

What you need for commander classified information

Equipment to fight Juggernaut

The Commander is the Juggernaut in the Weapon Case area. (I haven't verified everything else, but enemy characters called bosses may count as commanders.)

As many of you may know, it is covered in thick armor and cannot be defeated without inflicting considerable damage.

Weapons, ammunition, lethal equipment, tactical equipment, etc. should be prepared as much as possible.

*I am not an expert in fighting Juggernauts. I think there is probably a more effective way to fight, but I'm writing an article based on my own experience.

Flow until commanding Intel clear

Mark secure Intel contracts from the map

First, expand your map and look for Secure Intel Contracts.

Choose a safe location that is close to your current location.

CoD DMZ Solo | Kill Commander with Commanding Intel

The Secure Intel contract icon looks like this.

CoD DMZ Solo | Kill Commander with Commanding Intel

The Secure Intel contract has two tiers:

Find a laptop with a hard disk

After making a contract, the approximate location of the laptop will be displayed like a bounty target.

As you get closer, a more accurate pin will appear, so you can rely on it to find your laptop.

By the way, there is a clattering sound of the hard disk, so that is also a clue.

CoD DMZ Solo | Kill Commander with Commanding Intel

Upload hard disk data

In DMZ, the hard disk upload location is usually on the tower or on the roof of the building.

Call of Duty DMZ commando intelligence mission. I will tell you how I managed to beat Juggernaut solo and clear it.

At the steel tower, climb a long ladder.

Be careful if there are any enemies around you or if they have noticed you.

Since there is no cover on the ladder, Al-Qatala soldiers will hit bullets even if they climb quite high.

There is a computer in place.

The waiting time for the upload is about 20 seconds, so wait until the message [Upload completed] is displayed.

CoD DMZ Solo | Kill Commander with Commanding Intel

Once the upload is complete, a Juggernaut icon will appear on the map.

This Juggernaut is the commander.

CoD DMZ Solo | Kill Commander with Commanding Intel

It's roughly in the center of the yellow circle.

CoD DMZ Solo | Kill Commander with Commanding Intel

Defeat Commander Juggernaut

juggernaut and vehicle

It seems that there used to be a winning strategy to hit the Juggernaut with a car, but it is now unusable because it is being countered by DDOS.

Vehicles no longer move near the Juggernaut.

CoD DMZ Solo | Kill Commander with Commanding Intel

Shoot the running Juggernaut

When the Juggernaut appears, it will run to close the distance with the player at first.

This is the time when you can attack quite unilaterally.

In my case, I used a sniper rifle and a light machine gun and continued to fire from 80 to 30 meters.

At this point, all of Juggernaut's armor seems to have come off.

CoD DMZ Solo | Kill Commander with Commanding Intel

CoD DMZ Solo | Kill Commander with Commanding Intel

Long-range battles with the Juggernaut are a danger

At the beginning, it was possible to attack one-sidedly, but once Juggernaut confirmed our position and entered a battle stance, it became difficult to attack from a long distance.

I thought I'd shoot with my sniper rifle, but despite being 66 meters away, I poked my head out of cover and hit him in just a second.

CoD DMZ Solo | Kill Commander with Commanding Intel

Lured into a place with many shields

In my case, it was like running away and being cornered, but this seems to have worked.

We can always see the location of the Juggernaut thanks to fulfilling our contracts with Secure Intel.

We will ambush the juggernaut across the corner of a cover that can hide our entire body, such as a building.

When the Juggernaut enters the line of fire, we will cover ourselves with cover while firing our weapons.

I was able to beat it by repeating this.

CoD DMZ Solo | Kill Commander with Commanding Intel
CoD DMZ Solo | Kill Commander with Commanding Intel
CoD DMZ Solo | Kill Commander with Commanding Intel
CoD DMZ Solo | Kill Commander with Commanding Intel

video of the actual fight

When I first started DMZ, when I casually entered the yellow circle, Juggernaut suddenly chased me.

Then, while I was trying to jump over the wall, I heard the swooshing sound of that Gatling spinning, and before I could turn around, I was killed. (Just like being a mob on the movies)

Since then, Juggernaut has been a trauma.

The moment I realized that the commander was that Juggernaut, I was in despair.

During my first mission, I thought the commander was a commander helicopter and was killed.

Semtex is also flying in the wrong direction.

It's a miracle I beat him.

Normally, I would add, "It's not a gaming PC, so the image quality is still bad," and then, "The game play isn't very good," but this time I want to praise myself.


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