Looking for challengers! original tongue twister
These are original collection of tongue twisters in Japanese that I created on my whim.
Some of them may already be there.
Please take it with a grain of salt if it doesn't make sense.
We will continue to increase the number little by little, so please continue to support me.
Try saying it out loud and repeating it three times.
Komai Kokomai Kokokomai
Old rice, Old old rice, Old old old rice.
"Old" means one year ago in this case.
Therefore, "Old old" means 2 years ago.
It's a simple tongue twister that just repeats a noun.
Ancient rice is quite old, so you may not have many opportunities to eat it.
Supai sukai suppai shippai
Spy several times sour failure.
Among the tongue twisters I've come up with, it has a pretty solid meaning.
It may be quite easy once you get used to it.
Samuimo atsuimo satsumaimo
It reminds me of a roasted sweet potato, but it's a tongue twister whose meaning I don't quite understand.
I think the vocabulary is good.
Daburu aburi karubi
Among the tongue twisters I came up with, this one is quite difficult, but the meaning is not too difficult.
The grilled short ribs alone have the feel of a tongue twister, but I think it would have been even more difficult if you added a double to it.
Double feels like an afterthought and may not be very realistic.
If a double grilled ribs burger comes out, it's hard to order it.
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