CoD DMZ Solo | Daily Mission - Easily clear reinforcement helicopter destruction


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Routinely destroys reinforcement helicopters

Daily missions in the DMZ are useful for steadily gaining experience points.

This is a relatively easy way to shoot down three reinforcement helicopters.

Of course, the orthodox method of defeating enemies and waiting for reinforcement helicopters to arrive is also effective.

You can also use the ways to open safes, unlock strongholds, and activate missile turrets to call in reinforcement helicopters.

However, each requires some effort, such as searching for a safe, obtaining a strongholds key card, and navigating to a missile turret.

That's fine if you just want to leave it to chance and shoot down the next one, but I think it's an effective method if you want to finish quickly and with certainty.

The method is to set off a bomb near the cruise terminal in Vondel.

Bomb location near cruise terminal

CoD DMZソロ|デイリーミッションー増援ヘリ破壊を簡単クリア

CoD DMZソロ|デイリーミッションー増援ヘリ破壊を簡単クリア

There is a bomb here, so activate it as per the Destroy Supply Contract.

CoD DMZソロ|デイリーミッションー増援ヘリ破壊を簡単クリア

CoD DMZソロ|デイリーミッションー増援ヘリ破壊を簡単クリア

This bomb is a special bomb used for a certain mission, so it takes longer than usual to activate.

Therefore, reinforcement helicopters will come many times before the explosion.

The strategy is to shoot it down with a rocket launcher.

Any rocket launcher is fine, but my recommendation is [Jork].

Even if you are far away, it will automatically track and shoot down, making it easy.

CoD DMZソロ|デイリーミッションー増援ヘリ破壊を簡単クリア

When a reinforcement helicopter appears on the Tac map, use its icon to hold the launcher.

CoD DMZソロ|デイリーミッションー増援ヘリ破壊を簡単クリア

CoD DMZソロ|デイリーミッションー増援ヘリ破壊を簡単クリア

CoD DMZソロ|デイリーミッションー増援ヘリ破壊を簡単クリア

Kill the infantry that gets off the reinforcement helicopter with regular weapons.

CoD DMZソロ|デイリーミッションー増援ヘリ破壊を簡単クリア

New reinforcement helicopters will arrive in less than a minute, so you can shoot down three in just over two minutes after activating the bombs.

It cannot be used for missions to shoot down reinforcement helicopters that have a specified location.

If Al-mazrah is designated, it would be a good idea to use the safes, strongholds, and turrets mentioned at the beginning to call in reinforcement helicopters.

If it is designated as Ashika Island, it may be more efficient to go up to the roof of Tsuki Castle, find the reinforcement helicopter landing, and destroy it.


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