A sense of ethics finally awakened by the depletion of human resources.
Recently, I started playing a game called Call of Duty and became interested in firearms and military, and I was collecting various information on YouTube.
I also watched videos of US Army training camps and boot camps, and when the new recruits made mistakes, the instructors approached them and yelled at them. I realized again that it was the scene of shark attack.
In the comments section of the video, there were many people praising this military-style method, with statements such as "This is how they become mentally strong" and "This is the training you need to maintain the strongest army".
As for me, I have seen many workplaces that have been exhausted by coercive methods, so basically, I was against this kind of method, but depending on the occupation, I wondered if this method could not be helped or was a necessary evil.
Speaking of America, there is an image that mental care and counseling are more developed than Japan, and there was a sense of incongruity there.
To put it simply, the reason is that it is inefficient in terms of human resource development.
In order to maintain the United States Army, it is no longer the old way to have it.
The conclusion is that comments that praise military style are often misplaced, and that such practices did not actually contribute to strengthening the mentality or maintaining the military.
Of course, I don't know if instructors will be able to respond to this change immediately just by changing the educational policy, and I can't say anything because the results of the new educational system have not been shown.
However, there is no doubt that the answer given by the U.S. military is that the coercive methods used so far are no longer possible.
There will be no more shark attacks, and those who praised it like fish that has found water because the US military was doing it are likely to have nowhere to go.
I don't think there is much consistency, because those who approve of the coercive education method will say the same thing not only to the military but also to part-time workers at convenience stores.
They say that the world is harsh and that they must endure the harshness, but they do not have the courage or effort to overcome the severity.
Ignoring the fact that people's minds are finite and that it takes time to heal when they are hurt, if they just say what they want to say and leave the rest to that person even if they are suffering, they will eventually be able to talk to the counselor and irresponsibility to leave care to family.
It's like a child who keeps throwing garbage around.
I cannot say that they are independent.
Even the United States, the number one economic power, has lost its position as the strongest in recent years.
The days of letting money dictate and turning a blind eye to sacrifice may be over.
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