My mother stopped watching the morning drama of NHK after "Chimudondon"


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I can't forget my mother's sad face.

My mother liked morning dramas and she watched them every morning.

On days when she couldn't watch it in the morning due to her work, she would wait until the late-night broadcast.

The one that remains in my memory is "Aguri" which aired in 1997.

Dramatize the life of a woman.

Even people who were never world-famous become people who everyone knows by being featured in morning dramas.

I was impressed that it was a design that made people realize again that there is a history.

My mother often imitated the dialect spoken by characters in morning dramas.

The Osaka dialect and the Tohoku dialect were all mixed together, and I thought to myself, "This is the Asadora(morning dramas) dialect."

My mother stopped watching dramas in the morning.

She was the person who ended the broadcast of Chimu Dondon.

She looked a little tired and disappointed, and said, "I'm going to stop watching dramas in the morning."

When I was silent, my mother continued, "She seems to be watching a school performance."

I sometimes watched it when I had the time, but I didn't really understand the plot of each story, and the next day the direction of the story changed completely, and I couldn't keep up.

The inconsistency of the script, which I felt in "Hanbun, Aoi," seemed to be degrading the quality of the drama. (I'm Hanbun, Aoi, almost drop out the drama in the morning)

I think my mother is unlucky.

My mother, who loved dramas in the morning, did not do well that time.

When my mother was young, she went to school to learn to sew.

Her youth was spent making clothes, and even after she got married and gave birth to a child, she made a handmade skirt for her daughter as a gift.

So, the morning drama that I thought was perfect for my mother was "Beppin-san".

I don't remember much about the content, but I think it was like the narration explained everything.

There is no time for viewers to empathize with or consider the psychological description of the characters.

And there is a darkness like listening to complaints endlessly.

I felt sorry for my mother even though the theme was making clothes.

“Chimu Dondon” is set in Okinawa.

My mother's son, my younger brother, went to university in Okinawa, so while she felt lonely for her son who lives far away, I thought it was good that she could have a common topic.

However, my younger brother says, "Chimu Dondon is not historically accurate."

I think this is an afterthought from a university professor, but even if I close my eyes to it, I still don't really understand the story.

By the way, there is a part where my younger brother looks down on the dorama in the morning a little.

The first morning drama he watched for himself was "Ai to Jun", and even though he was in elementary school, he watched it under the influence of his mother.

Then, I didn't understand the story well, and at the end, the main character's husband ended up in a state of brain death...

"What is this?" my brother laughed in amazement.

It seems that this had a great impact on him, and since then he hasn't watched the morning drama.

It was the first and last morning drama.

Today's morning drama has a reputation for not having a plot in its story, but my younger brother, who became an morning drama anti in the 2012 year broadcast "Jun to Ai", said that after 10 years, he would support the end of his mother's morning drama audition., this one is somehow a grander drama.

I wonder if the script for the morning drama is decided by the staff on the spot.

Still, it would be nice if it was interesting, but I can't say that they have a good sense.

My mother watched quite a lot of programs on NHK, so she never complained about paying the license fee.

I think she will continue to pay.

However, if there is not very attractive content, when the opposition to the license fee becomes more assertive, I will not support, if not support, the opposition.

In effect, the opposition will become stronger.

NHK's subscription contracts plummet at four times the expected pace Chairman emphasizes transitional period of reform: Asahi Shimbun Digital (


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