People who suffered losses in the crash of the dollar-yen
On November 11, 2022, the dollar yen recorded a crash of 6 yen.
It was a decisive drop that could be called a turning point for the dollar-yen exchange rate, which had continued to rise since the beginning of the year with little recovery.
It seems that many investors who were accustomed to the rising trend suffered a great loss.
JIN, an individual investor, tweeted this while the price did not return as before and he was forced to cut losses on high-priced buy positions.
— オレ的ゲーム速報JIN@FX・株投資部 (@oreteki_douga) November 13, 2022
I wasn't sure if I should say this
I would like to hear from those who lost a lot in this big crash.
It's painful to die, but you don't really have to die.
Some people make heartless remarks about people who have been bombed
This is something that everyone does.
— My Game Bulletin JIN@FX Stock Investment Department (@oreteki_douga) November 13, 2022
JIN himself seems to have been shocked by the loss of over 20-million-yen assets, but he seems to have thrown words of encouragement and words to stop suicide for those who are heartbroken.
Do rich people not understand the feelings of low-income people?
However, it seems that there were several people who called this tweet a "hypocrite".
The main content is
Even if you lose 20 million yen, your assets will be many times that amount, and you are earning millions through affiliate marketing, so you are not the same as an ordinary person. You don't know how they feel.
Let me start by saying that the claim that the rich cannot understand the poor is wrong.
As a matter of fact, there are many cases where even poor people cannot understand each other and live in isolation.
Bullying is not caused by hierarchical relationships, but by friction between people of the same class.
If that is the case, it is the nature of human beings, whether rich or poor, to be unable to understand others, and what is important is the attitude of trying to understand.
JIN's critics are not trying to understand.
JIN tried to understand.
It goes without saying that the latter better.
Also, although there is always risk in investing, it is interesting that JIN's critics themselves describe measures to avoid or reduce them in their words criticizing JIN.
Once again, I will quote the summary of the criticism and explain it separately in the first half and the second half.
First half
“Even if I lose 20 million yen, his assets are many times that amount, and he is earning millions through affiliate marketing, so he is not the same as ordinary people.”
If Jin's assets are many times more than their own, they should invest the amount that matches their assets.
According to JIN, the leverage is about 5 to 8 times, and more than that is dangerous, and JIN himself often spins below that, so shouldn't he be a reference?
If he knows that he is earning from affiliates, they should recognize that his main business is his main source of income and should keep the investment as a side business.
Latter half
"He doesn't understand how ordinary people feel when poor people lose all their property and goes into debt."
Investing should never be a total investment.
Investment should not be done by borrowing money.
These criticisms are more like emphasizing that Jin is a model investor.
People who hang on JIN's tweets
A tweet that denies the tapping boom mentioned by JIN.
— 怠け者@公務員×個別株投資 (@pozipan) November 13, 2022
I agree that they don't have to die, but I think it's a little different that everyone does it...
People who are really winning are operating with a mechanism that avoids bumps, and getting bumps is just a win by chance due to the benefits of the mood and the upper blurring of the mullet, and they can't win with their ability. I think...
— Namakemono @ civil servant x individual stock investment (@pozipan) November 13, 2022
The content of this tweet seems legitimate.
However, the reason JIN used the phrase "something that everyone does" is simply to express the feeling that "I don't want people who have failed to blame themselves.", Namakemono's seemingly plausible explanation deviates from JIN's story.
Of course, Mr. Namakemono's tweet itself is not very malicious, and it seems that he quoted JIN's tweet for his followers to show off his own investment skills.
Since the purpose was changed to "show off your own investment skills", it seems that there was a difference between JIN's purpose of "encouraging people who are depressed" and it got derailed.
Is it OK or bad to mention suicide?
It is true that the mere mention of suicide can lead to feelings of self-doubt, but research has also shown that it is better to ask questions such as whether a person has feelings of wanting to die during counseling and welfare assessments in casual conversation. Yes, it is practiced although it is not said to be actively.
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