Robin Hood summary
- Open 3 safes in one deployment.
- Extract 100k on a single teammate in one deployment.
- Open 3 safes in one deployment.
- Extract 100k on a single teammate in one deployment.
See CoD DMZ Solo | Robin Hood1 | Open 3 safes in one match for tasks to open 3 safes.
Escape with 100k cash
The task description says that one person will have 100,000 cash, so it doesn't matter if you're playing solo, but if you're in a squad, you should be aware of this. .
To collect 100,000 cash in a single match, you need to do things that always give you money.
Below are some places where you can get a large amount of cash that I have experienced, so please refer to them.
Safe - from 15k
Although there are variations, some of them contain more than 30k including the value of goods.
Since the safe has a lot of cash, you can collect funds efficiently without putting pressure on your backpack.
Supply drop
This may have a high percentage of non-money items such as killstreaks, weapons, and keys, but it's worth investigating.
It descends with 10 minutes remaining.
It's a good idea to use a vehicle or something to approach it so that you can capture it before it is taken by another operator.
Duffel bag
The goal of the duffel bag is to sell for $8k [gold bars].
The probability is not high, but if you see one, you should catch it.
Route where 100,000 cash was collected
case 1
Starting point: Under the bridge east of Al Sharim Pass
Immediately board the train and collect $8,6k from the supply box
Collect $29,1k at Market and Bank South of Al Sharim Pass
Total $37,7k
Sell at the Al Malik Airport shop, all for cash (time limit remaining 18:19)
Collect $7,5k at private houses, warehouses, offices, hospitals, etc. southeast of Al Sharim Pass
Unlock the safe and collect $27,5k
Total $72,7k
Sell at Al Malik Airport shop, all for cash (time limit remaining 7:11)
Collect $26,9k from burger shops, offices, duffel bags, etc. north of Al Malik Airport
$99,6k in total
Sell at Al Malik Airport shop, all for cash (time limit remaining 1:33)
Return to Al Malik Airport Burger Shop to pick up leftovers and collect $800
Total $100,4k
Sell at Al Malik Airport shop, all for cash (20 seconds remaining)
Radiation area expansion, final escape helicopter
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