CoD DMZ Solo | Robin Hood1 | Open 3 safes in one match


Game play

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Robin Hood summary

  1. Open 3 safes in one deployment.
  2. Extract 100k on a single teammate in one deployment.
CoD DMZ Solo | Robin Hood | 3 safes and extract $100k

See CoD DMZ Solo | Robin Hood2 | Extract $100k in 1 Match for tasks to collect 100,000 cash.

Open 3 safes in one deployment

Safe place features

The icon on the map is as follows, but it seems that it will only be displayed while unlocking the safe.
CoD DMZ Solo | Robin Hood | 3 safes and extract $100k

There is an Al-Qatala soldier in camouflage uniform near the safe.

CoD DMZ Solo | Robin Hood | 3 safes and extract $100k

The location of the safe changes randomly each time, but there are some patterns in the building where the safe is located.

If you remember the location of the safe once you encounter it, it will be easier to do later.

How to find the safe

The orthodox method is to clear the Destroy Supply Contract and have the safe icon appear on the map.

Other methods

To open 3 safes in one match, you need to find them as efficiently as possible.

In my case, I focused on the Al-Qatala soldiers near the safe.

Enemy soldiers are usually not inside buildings.

Enemies in buildings are limited to buildings with safes, HVT hiding buildings, strongholds, and buildings with hostages.

A building with a safe has two or three enemies, if any.

It can be distinguished by having fewer numbers than other buildings where enemies hide.

In order to mark it, I will use items that can detect the position of the enemy.

Recon drone in loadout

A field upgrade that allows you to grasp the position of the enemy from the sky.

It's an item that's relatively easy to get from duffel bags, so if you find it, it's a good idea to stock it up.

CoD DMZ Solo | Robin Hood | 3 safes and extract $100k

Use this after arriving at the settlement.

CoD DMZ Solo | Robin Hood | 3 safes and extract $100k

Look down at the building and look for one with 2 enemies in it.

CoD DMZ Solo | Robin Hood | 3 safes and extract $100k

If you find a building that looks like it, point it at the pin.

Buy UAVs

The UAV is expensive at $12,000 in the shop, but if your priority is finding a safe, I think you should buy it generously.

Lucky if you can find it from the container.

As you can see in the image below, if there are two red dots on the building, there is a high possibility that there is a safe.

CoD DMZ Solo | Robin Hood | 3 safes and extract $100k

However, UAVs can't identify enemies on rooftops, so they can be mistaken for lookouts.

Activate the UAV Tower

The UAV Tower is a useful device that can be used for free scouting.

The problem is that the range is fixed, but if you can start it, let's use it positively.

It has the same capacity as the UAV and looks for buildings with red dots.

Safe inside the toilet while the safe is unlocked

You have to wait 1 minute and 20 seconds by the safe to unlock it.

Reinforcements are coming, so if there are doors at the entrance of the building, you should close them all.

Also, if the building has a toilet, it is safer to hide yourself in it.

CoD DMZ Solo | Robin Hood | 3 safes and extract $100k

The distance to the safe required to unlock is about 70 meters.

Compared to the SAM site, the allowable range of distance is wider, so depending on the location, it is possible to wait on a different floor or rooftop.

If it's really empty, just standing on top of the safe will delay the reaction of the enemy.

It will be displayed on the map while unlocking, so if there is an operator nearby, they may steal it.

Be prepared for a surprise attack by paying attention to the surrounding gunshots and the activation of UAV towers.

Wait even if you die to unlock the third safe

Even if you get shot dead while unlocking the third safe, you might still complete the task.

Escape is not included in the clear conditions of this task.

It would be nice if it could be completed during a match.

So, even if you are downed and don't have the self-revive kit, don't give up and wait for the safe to unlock.

CoD DMZ Solo | Robin Hood | 3 safes and extract $100k

Even if you are recognized by the enemy while you are down and die, try to wait.

CoD DMZ Solo | Robin Hood | 3 safes and extract $100k

As I'm sure you all know, even if the squad is wiped out, the time in the DMZ world will continue to advance as long as you don't select [Exit the game].

CoD DMZ Solo | Robin Hood | 3 safes and extract $100k

If you die where the meter showing the unlocking of the safe is showing, the task may be indicated as in the image below.

CoD DMZ Solo | Robin Hood | 3 safes and extract $100k

The safe opened sadly in front of the now deceased operator...

CoD DMZ Solo | Robin Hood | 3 safes and extract $100k

I don't know how much time is allowed between the operator's death and unlock authorization, and it may be fixed, but this spec got me through the task.


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